Alekya Gurram   (Sweety✍️🤘......)
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Joined 1 August 2020

Joined 1 August 2020
28 JAN 2022 AT 20:43

" We all have two lives.The second one starts when we realize that we only have one".


27 JAN 2022 AT 9:30

"Be who you want to be not what others want you to be".


16 JAN 2022 AT 9:59

"Don't judge.Behind every person, there's always a reason why they are the way they are".


5 JAN 2022 AT 22:07

That I won't need anyone's help or
I won't believe anyone.

All might not able to understand the circumstances I have gone through.Only the things spirit, patience would boosts up me all the time.


2 JAN 2022 AT 11:43

"Don't worry about what others think.Just focus on yourself and stay positive.Some people are always negative.So don't let it bother you".


30 DEC 2021 AT 11:27

"your past is a place to learn and grow, not a place to live!".


27 DEC 2021 AT 15:39

"Allow yourself to be a beginner .No one starts of being excellent".


27 DEC 2021 AT 15:35

"Life is all about making choices , Always do your best to make the right ones, and always do your best to learn from the wrong ones".


17 DEC 2021 AT 18:39

Show the world that I am Not the same person you used to know.I have learnt.I have evolved.I have been through a lot.I have embraced lessons life taught me.Darkness in my life has introduced me to the light within me.I will never ever let anyone diminish it.Match my effort and meet me half way.


11 DEC 2021 AT 18:01

"One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that some one is happy because of you".


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