Akriti   (Recluse)
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Not all those who wander are lost!
Joined 17 June 2019

Not all those who wander are lost!
Joined 17 June 2019
6 NOV 2023 AT 21:50

Something which endures eternally, is absolute in this relative world and hence universally lasting.


9 JUL 2022 AT 19:03

You are an afterthought,
behind the smokescreens of their glories,
for pleasure sought;

Often left wondering..
if truth would ever be found..
battles won,
yet war raging all around..

so foolishly bartering a self so hard fought,
forever destined to believe
we are what we are not..


3 APR 2022 AT 13:54


sometimes it's from the perpetual wars they wage inside their hearts-
the other times it's for the soul wringing-
to let out an expression;

the color on paper is not always the distinguishable red,
it's often deciphered and molded to the imaginations of the reader,

All writers just know how to weave magic-
the sprinkled golddust and the confetti of blissful expressions to capture the beauty of prose,
poetry to apprehend the depths of the abyss and morose;

Whichever the case writers always know how to bleed:

bleed for life,
bleed with life..


5 MAR 2022 AT 19:18

made peace with being on my own!


27 FEB 2022 AT 20:21

Hiding her story behind the i- am-fine-smiles,
Her heavy words tread miles and miles;

The darkness now seems a comforting presence-
Perfected in silence,
Witness to eons of muted violence,

For all those horizons forever promised,
Apparently Lies work fine, as long as you are honest;

However from the lowest depths to the heavens:
Like a fabled brilliant Phoenix she has always risen,

fighting back gloriously for her essence;

She is Creation's magnificent celebration,
In her brilliant dazzling light, eternity finds a revelation!


29 JAN 2022 AT 13:12

authentic wrongs of self

borrowed illusions of perfection— % &


18 JAN 2022 AT 22:07

moments of sunlights' last glitter,
glimpse of a fluttering butterfly while waiting at the signal,
sound of the sea's crashing waves,
the moonlight in the courtyard when electricity fades,
smile of a stranger passing by,
on a rough day,
presence of twinkling stars in the pitchblack darkness,

all the little moments where our existence is aware of its-
in this human wilderness..


27 DEC 2021 AT 17:55

I spent my afternoon reading ..
And then I realised..Words are magic..Like true magic..They have magic wand power to make you happy..
To transport you to another world..
To make you experience things you haven't..
Words actually are the means to 'quantify' emotions..If ever these fragile emotions can be quantified..

It's comforting in a strange way..

Sprinkled gold dust..
And blissfully surreal!


20 NOV 2021 AT 22:27

Missing you
is like..
a knowing..
why and how the sun and the stars can never be together,
as the longing remains..
for the earth..
the sky is the same..sun doesn't leave the sky nor do the stars..
but for the earth both are never seen together..

are like the sun..
I can never let go of;
Oh how it makes me wonder, the twinkle these stars still manage to pull off?!


3 SEP 2021 AT 23:46

you cannot just 'hope' to win the War,
when you keep on losing the battles..


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