Aisika Basu   (Aisika❤️)
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A bookholic
Joined 9 December 2018

Welcome to my profile!
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A bookholic
Joined 9 December 2018
24 MAY 2020 AT 20:00

Did we ever depart?
Or we were like the poetries fallen apart;
Enduring upon the unwritten blues,
For the miles and after,
Round the reef;
Like the shells along the shore'
Maybe there somewhere,
We burried our promises ,
Which once shimmered in forever'
But now , lies there withered in sorrow and drowned among the waves passing by,
But never dissipated,
For "us" , in their painted faces and sounds of metaphors'
Now that the metaphors' are more of the regrets than just some adorned words,
However there is ;
The hope that remains unwithered'
Do you see our chalet,
Beside the castle Rock;
Weaving the longing,
To never depart:
Like the shadows in disguise.


27 APR 2020 AT 13:16

Happy Birthday Sup!♥️


23 MAR 2020 AT 22:41


has it been
to foster
Clearance to
my ideas
Inculcating an
aura of



23 MAR 2020 AT 18:07

Just few steps behind you;
My heart clepe your name.
Each time though , it tries to put an epithet,
Recounting the anecdotes,
With warmth and care!
Yes you!
Amidst the rife'
Like swirls along the deep;
It isn't lavish at all,
But, maybe too fragile to pen down in my novella,
Do you remember?
The letters which now have a forlorn gaze,
Were once painted with love in sepia!
Did they ever visit your residence,
Or were lost and never found again...
And there remains the epilogue,
Of the slight static hum,
Still resonating in hope,
Seeking for the metaphors in the age-old prologue;
I just say your name...❤️


14 FEB 2020 AT 22:26

Sometimes it's just you and me,
Propelled up in congeniality,
It's more of us dwelling in the canvas of promises,
Just like the verses of remembrance,
Bestowed upon the flow of rheotics of the age-old alley,
But then ,
Everything gets into maybe or perhaps,
Faded in adieus,
Yes, there remains the void which makes the poetries impalpable,
Lies, the unrequited love,
Where my heart called for you,
Yes' you
But perhaps was a daydream , daydream and daydream...


12 FEB 2020 AT 22:21

Too misty to stare,
Too late to care,
Remains the soul ,
Drowned in surmise;
Just too distant to impulse,
the bewitching spell which
Once drenched ecstacies,
Is now just a piece of art bestowed upon(us)


23 JAN 2020 AT 18:22

কে ভেবেছিল ,
সেই আদুরে ছোট্ট সুভি,
একদিন সকল ভারতবর্ষের সুভাষ হবে?
গর্বে গড়ে উঠবে একদিন তার নিজের দল,
গর্জে উঠবে ব্রিটিশ অত্যাচারের বিরুদ্ধে,
সকল মানুষের হাত ধরে এগিয়ে যাবে সংগ্রামের পথে,
দেশমাতার স্বাধীনতা হবে তার ধ্রুবতারা,
হাজার দেশের মানুষের কাছে চির জীবি হবে,
ভারতবাসীর নেতাজি হয়ে!


23 JAN 2020 AT 12:55

The dreary days of oppression , tyranny couldn't cage his potential into regrets,
He is the difference between the truth and the astonishing lie,
Though his ideas remained unfathomable under the collusion of ignorance,
He stood principled on the arduous roads,
As the domicile of courage and strength,
His blood breathed his love for his mother" India" to unshackle his motherland ,
Shining in the sky of freedom , justice and Independence was his dream ...
He is our oblivious which get burried in perplexes,
He is omnipresent in all our struggles,
In the fights of realising our true self,
We are too fragile to reconcile his efforts,
But he shall endow upon us ,
He will always remain within us in the day and ages...


8 JAN 2020 AT 20:11

In the ravages of time,
There lies demolished ' The domicile',
Which once stood bolt upright ,
Enveloped with love and care,
But now in the day and age,
Just a forgotten place of left out memories,
Esurient were the stones lamenting,
Which is yet to be overturned into a edifice of power'


30 NOV 2019 AT 0:13

And he was the western disturbance in her long winters,
Which drizzled in her night sky,
Befuddled her to etch out a world of their senses,
But however he brimmed at the brink of extinction bidding her adieu out of the blue,
And there she remained heart wrenched...❤️


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