Aishwarya Mishra   (Aisha)
60 Followers · 12 Following

माना कि थोड़े जिद्दी है पर फरेबी नहीं
Joined 25 April 2020

माना कि थोड़े जिद्दी है पर फरेबी नहीं
Joined 25 April 2020

The Joyful Muse

In the laughter of children,
My creativity takes flight.
Their boundless energy ignites
A spark, a flame, a light.

Their playful minds, untamed,
Explore the world with glee,
Inspiring me to see anew
What wonders there may be.

With paint and crayons in hand,
We craft dreams from thin air,
Imagining worlds yet unseen,
In a realm beyond compare.

Their innocence, a pure delight,
Guides me to realms unknown,
Where imagination knows no bounds,
And seeds of inspiration are sown.

Let me dwell among the young,
Where creativity thrives,
For in their joy and wonderment,
My muse forever thrives.


26 APR AT 4:26

In life's trials, when shadows loom,
True friends emerge, dispelling gloom.
Those absent in our darkest plight,
Shall not bask in our joyous light.


24 APR AT 23:54

ଏ ସହରରେ ବର୍ଷା ,
ଠିକ୍ ମୋ ପ୍ରେମିକା ପରି ଅନନ୍ଯା ,
ପାଖକୁ ଆସିଲେ, ମୁଁ ପ୍ରେମରେ ଭିଜିଯାଏ ,
ଆଉ ଟିକିଏ ଅଭିମାନରେ ଦୂରେଇ ଗଲେ ;
ମୁଁ ଗୋଟାପଣେ ଝାଳରେ ଭିଜିଯାଏ ,,,


24 APR AT 23:40

मां बाबा का वह आलीशान सा घर
आज अकेला रह गया ,
और हम बेगाने इस शहर में
कुछ बेघर से हो गए ,


23 APR AT 12:43

Eternal Embrace of Words
In boundless realms where silent pages dwell,
No ears to heed, no arms to hold us near,
Yet in their depths, our inner voices swell,
In whispered echoes, solace finds its sphere.

For words, immortal, penned by mortal hand,
Stretch forth their arms in warm embrace divine,
A hug that spans the chasm of the land,
Uniting hearts in solitude's design.

The author, too, immortalized in ink,
Their essence captured in the written word,
Their legacy endures, no time can shrink,
A bond with readers that will not be blurred.

In books, we find a refuge from the night,
Where loneliness yields to wisdom's gentle light.


22 APR AT 11:53

पृथ्वी हमसे कह रही
रो-रो कर यह बतला रही ,
अब ना सताओ ए मेरे बच्चों
खुद को बचाओ ए मेरे बच्चों ,
मां हूं तुम्हारी सब सह जाती हूं
छुप कर आंसू पी जाती हूं ,
बढ़ रहा है अब कुकर्म का ज्वाला
पी रही हूं मैं जहर का प्याला ,
थक गई हूं तुमसे कहते कहते
प्रदूषण का यह बोझ सहते सहते ,
हर दिन थोड़ा वक्त निकाले
पृथ्वी को श्यामल सुंदर बना लो ,
यह मेरी विनती मान लो तुम सब
वरना प्रलय तो होगा सुनिश्चित ,,,


22 APR AT 11:23

# Earth Day Everyday
In the cycle of seasons, we mark a day,
To honor the Earth in a special way.
Earth Day, a celebration, a reminder profound,
Of the treasures we cherish, where life does abound.
Every day, Earth's beauty we admire,
Her oceans, her forests, each flame and each spire.
For she gives us life, a home, a place to roam,
With every sunrise, a chance to atone.
In twenty twenty-four, our theme is clear,
"Plastic vs Planet," a message sincere.
For plastic, though useful, brings harm to our land,
Choking oceans and rivers, staining the sand.
But fear not, for solutions we hold,
To heal the wounds, to be brave and bold.
Reduce, reuse, recycle, we say,
To safeguard our Earth, each night and each day.
From reusable bags to bottles of glass,
We choose alternatives, to lessen the mass.
For Earth day is more than just once a year,
It's a promise we make, to hold her dear.
So let's join together, in actions bold,
To protect our planet, as the story's told.
For Earth day, my friends, is every day's call,
To cherish our home, and embrace one and all.


21 APR AT 12:02

ଅନ୍ଧାର ରାତିର ପରିସୀମା ଡେଇଁ , ଆସିଥାଏ ଯେବେ ଦିପ୍ତୀ
ଅସଂପୃକ୍ତ ଏଇ ଜୀବନ ରାସ୍ତାରେ, ଭରି ଦେଇଯାଏ ତୃପ୍ତି


21 APR AT 9:10

In words, emotions weave, perceptions soar,
Conceiving truths, realities explore.
Some facts stand firm, beyond debate's sway,
Acceptance blooms in the light of day.

Life's currents flow, immutable, true,
Adaptation key, for me and for you.
Survival's decree: evolve, thrive, survive,
In the dance of existence, we must strive.


20 APR AT 0:43

ରାତିର ଏକ ବିଜନ ବେଳାରେ
ଯେବେ ଝରକା ସେପାଖର ଜହ୍ନଟା ,
ଅନାୟାସରେ ଦୁଷ୍ଟାମି କରିବା ଆରମ୍ଭ କରେ ,

ଯେବେ ଭାବନା ସବୁ ହୁଏ ଆନମନା ,
କାମନାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ନିବସ୍ତ୍ର ହେବାକୁ ଲାଗେ ,
ସେତେବେଳେ ମନେପଡ ତୁମେ !!!
ମନେପଡେ ତୁମ ଶକ୍ତ ବାହୁର କୋମଳ ଆଲିଙ୍ଗନ ;

ଆପେ ଆପେ ଫିଟିଯାଏ ଫୁଲର କବରୀ
ଅସଜଡା ହୁଏ ଯେବେ ପିନ୍ଧିଲା ବସନ,
ସପନରେ ଆସ ତୁମେ ଅତି ନୀରବରେ ,
ଆଙ୍କିଦିଅ ଓଠଧାରେ ମଧୁର ଚୁମ୍ବନ ,,,


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