Abhirami n iyer   (Abhi)
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I write to let out my feelings
Joined 27 May 2018

I write to let out my feelings
Joined 27 May 2018
7 JUL 2020 AT 22:22

Obscured life frames


7 JUL 2020 AT 22:17

Many among us argue, for the sake of argument.
'Winning' is more important than truth itself.
Even if it means, to taking sides of an awful movie which became noticeable only because of its eye candy actors or throw their own imagined facts on how good some celebrity is even when, there is legit guilt and mistake in their act. They tend to assert their emotional energy by screaming their words, amplifying their voice, modulating it to a very high pitched irritating noise and worst of all, by throwing personal/ private remarks onto your face to zip your truths.
It is a pity, but a fact that arguments are won by voice and not by truth.


9 JUN 2020 AT 19:06

An alternate ending

(Read in caption)


26 MAY 2020 AT 21:07

Dear Chandler Bing,
'I am hopeless and awkward and desperate for love' ,
'I am weak and pathetic and sorry', ' I am weird and sensitive' it amuses me still not knowing how well your dialogues are genuine to us .
I am so much in a struggle to put words here to show the long term affection for Miss Chanandler bomb. You taught us to laugh at our problems and in a way, your comebacks made us forget our problems. You influenced so much that we would secretly wish for a friendship like the one with you and Joey, knowing it's for a lifetime.Yes breakup of Ross and Rachel is emotional but the same depth of emotions came pounding in when Joey left the apartment. Everyone will be lucky to have a Chandler in their life who would play with Pheobe, who posts the death of his friend Ross (well how he died was funny) , who advices Rachel with a sarcastic comment and then loves Monica the way you do. The guy who makes us laugh and vanish our problems with his comic timing knows how to love, to care, to respect and make us cry over sentiments.
Thank you for being Chandler Bing
P.S : His job is data reconfiguration and statistical analysis.


15 MAY 2020 AT 22:19

Dear Joey Tribbiani,
"I am curvy and I like it" that's what I shout at my mom when she finds me opening the fridge at 2 am.
You are sweet, unquestionably handsome, loyal and sometimes, or rather most of the times suggest a 'moo' point. From forgiving Chandler, choosing Pheobe over Ursula, having a good nap with Ross, convincing Monica not to go to the sperm bank and for loving Rachel and happily letting her go to the love of her life you showed how we could mold ourselves in becoming good friends.
You instilled the idea of the ever best pickup line "How you doin-" , you taught us to say no when someone takes food from your plate - "Joey doesn't share FOOD".
Any woman would love to have a Joey in her life who eats whatever crap she gives and an actor who just want a normal life.
Thank you for being Joey


8 MAY 2020 AT 21:40

Dear Monica Geller ,
Sure!, that you are a great sister, a lovely wife, the best girlfriend & a real friend any one can rely upon no matter what!
Beginning with, how you offered your apartment so that a stranded Rachel can stay with you or how caring you are towards Ross, even when you had been subjected to a gentle but obvious partiality by your parents or how you end up hosting the thanks giving dinner every year. Starting from ' Welcome to the real World! It sucks. You're gonna love it!' , 'We fell in love & we work hard in our relationship' , to ' I don't care if he is the most perfect guy in the world. He is not you.' & much more to state that somewhere along our life we all found this to be true. Even when you are so in love with Richard, you understand what you want and show the courage to break up a great relationship because both of you seek different answers from the relationship which again reminds us of giving up on a great relationship is painful but not pathetic. In the end you knew your worth & you did not ever compromise to settle with anyone other than Chandler.
P.S : You weren't breezy.
Thank you for being Monica Geller


4 MAY 2020 AT 23:30

#BOYSLOCKERROOM will surely vanish as time flies, but I do hope the people who are supporting and fighting for the boys quoting 'Nothing happened/ it's just a normal chat/they just discussed, they didn't rape' realise that the terror here is not the rape but the attitude of breeze around that action that torments one gender.


4 MAY 2020 AT 23:06

To dear Pheobe Buffay,
'.. you are so beautiful, so kind, you are so generous, so wonderfully weird..' Nothing is more perfect than this to define you. It's always hard to say 'no' to our squad, but we surely can say ' oh I wish I could, but I don't want to'. And you showed us that adulting is basically or mostly 'floopy', sometimes all we need is to eat something like 'scrunchy', or to unite two lovers ,use the code ...'something is wrong with the left philange..'. It is hard to define Phoebe as a character but it is easy to understand Phoebe as a friend.So I would like to raise my glass to Pheobe (so there would be less for the kids to drink) that apart from her tragic past, everyone would love to live a life the way she did . We all will throw a ravishing party with cups and ice and ends up hating Ursula no matter what
Thank you for being Pheobe Buffay


3 MAY 2020 AT 0:01

To dear Rachel Karen Green,
Through the course of the series you evolve from a spoilt kid who is overindulged in her fancy, luxurious world to a strong, independent woman who works passionately for her job. You amazed me the most by how you consistently justified the unrest thought that provoked you to run away from your own wedding with Barry.
' ...all my life I have been told I am a shoe, what if I don't want to be a shoe, what if I want to be a purse or a hat?'
You bought the point 'no uterus ,no opinion' , you taught me how to laugh, and how to cry over emotions, to love and sometimes to leave. To leave and yet not fail to live.
Thank you for being Rachel Green


30 APR 2020 AT 22:01

To dear Ross Geller,
'WE WERE ON A BREAK' is what that comes to my mind first I guess. You showed us that the literal meaning of 'I am fine ' is ' WHAT THE HELL?' . You taught us that pink colour can be said as faded salmon colour. When I screw up relationships , I console myself saying 'relax ! It's not like 3 divorces'
Thank you for making us laugh and cry due to laughing.
Thank you for being such passionate about dinosaurs
And thank you for being Ross Geller


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