Abbey Ruth   (Rushiener)
56 Followers · 149 Following

A daughter. A dreamer. A writer.
Joined 26 January 2022

A daughter. A dreamer. A writer.
Joined 26 January 2022
17 NOV 2023 AT 12:06

It is an assurance that when all of us are sinking and trembling in darkness and despair, and when destruction seems close and the raging fury ensnares us in seemingly difficult problems, we can go and listen to Him because He is the light and He is the way.


16 NOV 2023 AT 12:14

When things seem dark, bleak, and difficult to face, never give up the race. Someone will always cheer and will be a seer, and someone will say something for you to hear; life is like a race; at times you will fall, but you must try. Try to get up with a smile. No matter what lies ahead of it, make sure to finish the race.


16 NOV 2023 AT 11:57

We thought that life's discomfort was a burden to us. We never thought that it would help us. All of life is a risk, but we will make sure that opportunity is not missed. Though the wind may be against us, the flow of it will always keep and make us. He controlled the winds for us to learn to live within the frame and try not to force against the sail. Truly, overcoming discomfort will shape us and doubly bless us.


19 SEP 2023 AT 2:20

“How can I ever be good enough?”, words spoken by some of us. We are way too focused on the concept of perfection that leads us to struggle because of this misperception. But little did we know that this, in turn, holds us back from our true potential and capacity to enhance our abilities and talents.

Expecting immediate perfection to gratify our reasoning would mean denying us the opportunity for growth. There are many who have had feelings of imperfection and insecurity in general, but in reality, perfection comes not in an instant, but in a process to be pursued throughout our life. Don’t demand things that are unreasonable, but rather demand of yourself a room for improvement. Then you and I could bravely and strongly say, "I am doing my best, and I am more than enough".


16 SEP 2023 AT 8:28

When we begin to understand the details of our life, we will see the relationship of opposition to our growth. God designs our life for us to improve and for Him to help us achieve and give thanks to those trials and challenges we surpassed.

We must overcome the pull of the cares of the world for us to truly seek the hope He gives. He allows things to happen--- good or bad, because after all; the world was created to accomplish certain purposes that He has planned for us.


6 SEP 2023 AT 23:07


Does it still exist?
Yet it is simple, but men resist.
Thoughtless thoughts are in motion,
Lurking around with pure destruction.

People forget what to be like,
To show kindness without plight.
Kindness shown is never lost,
And it is the thing that we needed most.

It is always possible,
To people who think it is impossible.
Small act of kindness becomes a ripple.
And it softens the hearts of all people.

Kindness is all we need,
Piece by piece is not a bit.
Put it altogether and become a masterpiece.
That makes the whole world complete.


2 SEP 2023 AT 21:28

Sometimes when things aren't going right, we think we need to get away from a place or a person. Sometimes that helps, but most of the time what we need is to get away from our old self and our selfish feelings.

We can leave a place behind, or we can stay in that place and leave our selfishness behind. If we leave a place and take our selfishness with us, the cycle of problems starts all over again no matter where we go. But if we leave our selfishness behind, no matter where we are, things start to improve.


2 SEP 2023 AT 5:55


Left or right?
Is it easy to decide?
Black or white?
Does it seem to be right?
We have the right to choose.
A gift given for us to use.
As we seek to choose,
A responsibility is on the loose.
We cannot be neutral.
And we can't be too lax.
For disappointments are at hand,
And regrets can make you bland.
Choices differ from one another.
But nothing is different from each other.
There are tools to help you choose.
So we can be sure it is good.
On our journey, we can choose:
A path away from safety,
Or a path that makes us free.
We all know where we want to go.
And it does matter which way we go.
By choosing our path,
We chose our destination.
And if we make the wrong choice,
The blame is solely and only up to us.
Our lives greatly depend on the decisions we make.
And our decisions greatly shape the reality of our destiny.


18 JUN 2023 AT 7:50


He usually goes up early,
Trying to catch the bus quickly.
He sometimes gets scolded,
A million times, that was not recorded.
He sometimes gets insulted,
Despite how he tries to be splendid.

He sometimes holds back his hunger,
To get home and have something, even a meager.
He sometimes drops a ton of sweat,
Not realizing the weariness at his best.
He sometimes hides the cry,
Trying to make us smile.

He is sometimes not good at talking about his pain,
As he swallowed it up to cover it again.
He sometimes doesn't want his wife to worry,
And he fights it with glory.
He usually wants his wife to be proud,
Of the things, he could offer them aloud.

He is the head of the family,
And wanted to see his family happy.
Greatness was seen in him.
Nothing beyond measure can comprehend.


18 MAY 2023 AT 0:58

It really doesn't matter what your trials and challenges may be here on earth. The real test in life is not the trial itself; rather, it is our endurance and acceptance of the things we can't control. Peace and true happiness come to those who are able to overcome them and who really seek them.


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