Aaru   (Aarti Balu)
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5 DEC 2022 AT 17:44

I'm that kind of person who makes the same fake arguments in my head a thousand times and still can't win the same argument in real life. — % &


26 AUG 2022 AT 13:12

Sometimes I feel like letting go of her.
Maybe I'm the sugar at the bottom that just wants to get along with the milk but can't do so.
And it doesn't even matter because the milk still tastes perfect. — % &


26 MAR 2022 AT 10:54

— % &


4 MAY 2021 AT 13:10

The witches


14 JAN 2022 AT 18:07

People ask, "Why do you
complicate life so much?"
And my reply would
always be, "Because it is."
Life is never easy. There's
always people around you
of different opinions. There's
always someone who cares about
you, loves you, hates you,
envy you. Not everyone's
laughs or cries are true,
neither their words are.
Yes, the world has become
a complex bubble. And it
should be. For life isn't about
being easy. It's all about going
through hard times, feeling
pain and pleasure, learning
after every fall, being at
your best and leaving this world
with your name encarved
in earth's forehead to always
be remembered. And its not


13 JAN 2022 AT 20:39

Pretty thoughts. Pretty wishes.
Everyday they come and go,
just to remind me that I have
to define life in my own way.
Going through hardships,
loving peace, watching the
sun rise and set. Going to places.
Doing pretty art. Following my
passion. Feeling the breeze.
Relishing memories with friends.
Reading books. Getting to know
things of the world. Dance. Sing.
Play guitar. Write poems, stories.
Find out new stuffs. Being creative.
Spreading wisdom. Loving myself,
being myself and having time
for myself. The fullest of life.
No hurry. A slow paced
journey with so many
stops of experiences.


8 JAN 2022 AT 19:50

Things changed over time.
Everytime I stepped out,
the sun; the moon,
they glanced at me.
They would say, "Kid, as
time goes by, you forget us."

For, I write no poems about
their lovely shine and warmth.

Neither I take pictures of them
nor just simply gaze at them
misted with clouds of canitude.

It has been a long while since they
kissed my face, glared my eyes,
made me to write something.

And ever since I realised this,
I keep musing "Don't we miss to
see the littlest things?"
And they seem more beautiful when
you don't get to devour them
for long.


3 OCT 2021 AT 11:36

Some people are like the stains on your white dress.
No matter how hard you rub, they don't fade.


2 OCT 2021 AT 23:38

Leaves fell for autumn.
But I wish they were alive;
to see her smile.


2 OCT 2021 AT 23:07

You don't need to be a
fast runner to finish a race.
Afterall, you don't even
have a competitor to look back,
envy and run faster.
But you still do; run faster with
harder steps to finish the line
first. And how soon did you
realise that you fell short of breath
before you reach the line?
Oh, dear. You stopped, very soon.
"Were you able to finish it atleast?
Were you?"


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