Aaditya Bisht  
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Joined 22 September 2019

Joined 22 September 2019
1 FEB 2021 AT 19:08

भारतीय तटरक्षक के 45वें स्थापना दिवस को समर्पित कुछ पंक्तियाँ:

बुलंदियों से हमारी रोशन तारे हैं।
गुलिस्तां के ये सब फूल हमारे हैं।

समंदर में भी ओस के सहारे हैं।
आसमानों से ऊँचे लक्ष्य हमारे हैं।

हौंसले न कभी लहरों से हारे हैं।
तूफ़ानों में जलते ये दीप हमारे हैं।

बढे चलो, सब मुक़ाम तुम्हारे हैं।
सुनामी सरीख़े शूरवीर हमारे हैं।

जय हिंद। जय भारत। जय तटरक्षक।

- समादेशक संजीव लाठर


12 NOV 2019 AT 3:36

My! my! you are looking, beautiful sitting there.
The adorable smile and the piercing stare.

You could be mine, that stage is well past,
But just a look of yours, and the stupid is beating very fast.

I couldn't ever gather what the definition of love is, or was,
But I know, you do something and you are the only cause.

I have told myself hundred times, to act mature,
That, to accept and move, and it was the only cure.

May be I could undone having met you,
But I don't want that to happen, If I have to be true.

Thousand times , I have build walls and them have I broken,
Just a glance of yours was a beautiful token.

You never loved me in return,
But then you were also human,

You literally turn my logics upside down.
I am held between smile and frown.

You are my peace and my chaos.
May be I could have been better,
Not in this world, may be another
May be, may be, may be...

But thanks I have seen my moon,
Tides have risen in me, and they won't settle soon.

You are my most beautiful crossroad.


3 NOV 2019 AT 23:48

Now that you are tangled in my soul,
Each kiss on those curvy lips, make more my heart roll.

First it was you or the voice,
Or it was the expression, which your face used to choice.

There was something you seemed mine more,
Every look at you, was enthralling my core.

We were friends, in the true sense,
I hated it when you were tense.

Than we were really drawn nearer,
It was this, what I seeked, it became clearer.

Than the hands were held close,
And the first kisses were done, by the eyes, followed by brows.

Than the lips met ,the lover;
Slowly were undone, all the cover,
And then the kisses went deep and long;
Onto each other were they, like the midnight song


8 OCT 2019 AT 11:27

If only I could hold her hand and walk,
If only we could have long long talk.
If only I could look into those eyes,
Until dawn turns to dusk and water melts to ice.

If only I could tell, her words are sweeter then proses,
And her smell, more fragrant than roses.
If only I could tell you, your smile make my day,
And your voice my night.
If and if I could tell you that my moon, you are much brighter than sun’s might.

But I dunno how to tell,
How should, these beautiful proses shall I spell.
How should I make you smile more,
And how should I tell you, that without you less beautiful are these nights and the serene shore


1 OCT 2019 AT 20:07

Her memories are like a happy wave,
Something I miss, something I crave
Her voice, O lord elixir to my ears,
Her smile , O lord a kiss to my tears.

She is far, in time and space,
further away from my warm embrace.
Along with time she have grown,
everytym my senses she had blown,

I miss the softness of her chocolate skin,
and the pink of those lips akin
and the silk of those curvy hairs,
which she holds and tucks behind her ears.


22 SEP 2019 AT 9:54

All that I write,
I know its not right.
I shouldn't write words that would be threwn,
Fresh would become wounds which were sewn

This path has nothing but pain,
All the emotions are treated with disdain.
Its quite strange,
Thousands things have changed.
But still everytime your voice conjure,
The ardour which was so pure.

You are a dangerous game,
Everytime I avoid, the longingness is still the same.
I have buried my heart deep,
Have put the dolt in a sleep.
The craving of your lips on mine,
Still lingers even after skewering the heart with oak and pine.

I even looked the other side,
Decided never to confide.
But here deep into a rainy night,
Words in me are making a fight.
Strong emotions are shattered and broken,
Spilled feelings are out, yesteryears which were unspoken.

Its a shame,
Again my heart; I am unable to tame.
Because all that I write,
I know its not right.


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