.. ..   (Rifat Amin.)
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Joined 29 January 2021

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Joined 29 January 2021
11 DEC 2021 AT 16:57

That's as soft as cotton.
With this blanket we feel freshness,in summer,peace and comfort in winter.
Its softness don't change with changing nature.
Its softness,pureness is eternal


11 DEC 2021 AT 7:38

Peace from all grudges,hatred.
Because food of soul is love, peace, that's what i want at last.


13 DEC 2021 AT 15:11

Where we can play all the games without any fear,with confidence, with our own attitude,passion, strength.
Where we can fly like birds without imprisonment in cage.
Where we can live our dreams with open eyes.
Where we can live with independence.
Where no boundry can stop us to cross the miles.


10 DEC 2021 AT 20:03

Never hurt any person,
because no-one is
strong enough to forgive everytime.


7 DEC 2021 AT 15:54

An honour of doing something better for yourself.
Compete yourself not others because your compitition is
you till the end.
So don't waste your time, strength,on others.
Make yourself best by competing yourself for yourself.


4 DEC 2021 AT 20:45

I know you're actually an attribute of Almighty Allah,but i also want a little bit of you in me because with you i can be patient and then i get my reward of patience and karma will take its own reward of revenge.


4 DEC 2021 AT 17:11

Don't get depressed by your solitude,
Just make it your attitude.
And when you get happiness in it,
Then work with gratitude.


4 DEC 2021 AT 15:19

Of strength,
it's also the shield against losing,it gives motivation to try again in case of failure,hope is companion in darkness,in scary atmosphere,take this rope tightly so that you never be scared of losing anywhere,if rope of hope is connected with Almighty Allah then you'll never be alone.


2 DEC 2021 AT 7:50

It seems like we're on the seventh heaven,
and we're ruling it ....
There seems no limit of happiness,
we get drenched in the imagination and
we talk to own selves and smile without reason.
Everything seems to be a miracle.
Sometimes heart beats quickly and
sometimes it skips a beat,
eyes shine by happiness,lips
get thandering by shock,tongue tremble
while speak, everything seems to be new.
This is the condition of
beginning of relationship.


1 DEC 2021 AT 21:54

December is the last month of year,
It's wrapped of snow sheet and stormy air,
In which some animals die due to fear.


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