Velmuruga S S   (Aspiring_Writer_)
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Joined 14 October 2017

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Joined 14 October 2017
2 NOV 2017 AT 18:30

Behind every novel there is an untold story of the writer.


30 DEC 2021 AT 8:01

Just one kiss is enough for a heart to losse it's stability. Sometimes we want nothing but a chance to be unstable.


30 DEC 2021 AT 7:46

Our first kiss timed for less than a minute, but it abide on my soul forever.


29 DEC 2021 AT 23:09

First kiss may be edgy,
But the butterflies in tummy will remain forever and lift you up in the air.


29 DEC 2021 AT 22:34

(First Kiss)
Fondness of soul
With a hue of nervousness
And a sup of good memories


21 DEC 2021 AT 8:27

I've lacerate myself by hurting you.


21 DEC 2021 AT 8:14

Hug from behind, Kiss on the forehead and low whisper in the ears " I am sorry dear" is enough to heal.


21 DEC 2021 AT 8:08

Pain behind distance relationship is,
"You can't wipe her tears over the video call".


19 DEC 2021 AT 20:38

Whenever I breathe,
I can smell your presence in my shirt after having you in my shoulders.


18 DEC 2021 AT 21:40

You are endlessly close to my heart,
However you are not on the verge of my eyes.


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