Trishna Gogoi   (Trish)
45 Followers · 15 Following

Simple and positive!
Joined 3 April 2017

Simple and positive!
Joined 3 April 2017
27 JAN AT 22:19

Greeting cards
Remember them?
Those fuzzy winter mornings,
Sitting in the courtyard
With crayons and papers
Snipping snippets of creativity
With our little hands and resources
Handmade wishes for friends and family,
Each card made with love and thoughts
The pure joy of gifting and receiving
They were not just cards -
We exchanged happiness,
Invaluable and irreplaceable
Before our lives got digitalized
Before our emotions succumbed to clicking of keypads
Before our smiles ceased to be real.


8 OCT 2023 AT 0:10

Its a late Saturday night
Dark and silent
Distant chatterings come floating
Of a celebration, someone having fun.
I'm coiled in my own musings
Reminiscent of a Sunday, not so far away
But lost in time
A Sunday of innocence, carefree and fun.
Longing for being a child again
Wrapped in affection, aura of a princess
Toys and games, friends and jabbering
Now feels like a different life, a different person!
Time and its ways of transition,
On a late, dark Saturday night
I lay dreaming of being a child.


16 SEP 2023 AT 0:26


You let me walk on thorns
Looked away as I bled
Now you're adorning my body with flowers
Roses of white and red.

You let my tears dry on my cheeks
Smashing my heart into pieces
Now you're beating your chest
Surrounded by gloomy faces.

My life drifted into darkness
Slowly and silently
The noise turned to stillness
In search of tranquility.

The peace that I longed for
My entire life,
I could finally feel it, live it, accept it
When I ceased to live.


16 JUL 2023 AT 0:50


Along the country roads
In a rickety bus
Off she went to catch her past.

Dashing through the fields,
Flying with the wind
When she used to run to school;

Playing in the mud
And playing in the sun
She ain't got a care for the world.

Treading through the familiar lanes
She feels unfamiliar chills
Dubious eyes questioning her arrival.

Was her homecoming too late?
Or was it no more her home?
Might she have lost it in the lap of time!


26 MAY 2023 AT 21:59

Wrapped in a blanket of dreams
She walked by the road she chose
With eyes filled with fancies
For a rosy life ahead.

Leaving behind the past
She takes her tender steps
She knew the darkness won't last
It's only a silhouette, sure to pass.

Unbreakable she stands today
Ahead of numerous pains
She looks up at the twinkling stars
With a merry smile on her face.


8 MAR 2023 AT 0:22

As the fresh raindrops
Descend from the sky
The dried up land quenches its thirst.

She scribbles down
Her untitled poem
Pouring her heart in the lines.

The withered leaf
Shakes and wakes up
Reopening its chapter of life.


10 JAN 2023 AT 0:03

When the mind is muddled
With humongous amount of questions
Which but remain unanswered
Because they stay in the mind
Bottled up and locked
The key to which is lost!
There is a lot to say
But as you start, the voice falters,
Thousands of thoughts unexpressed
Hundreds of questions unanswered
Left with a heavy heart and a broken soul.


10 DEC 2022 AT 23:21

Sometimes I wonder
What if it's winter
All the year ahead,
Somedays it'll snow
Somedays cool breeze
Would flush your cheeks red.

You'll shudder in the chill
Wrapped in a quilt
Hot coffee in a cup
Gazing at the distant hill.

The city would be shrouded
In a blanket of mist
The sun would cease
To show up on ease
And summer would be left out
Far far away.


30 OCT 2022 AT 0:12

জোনাকী নিশাৰ নিস্তব্ধ সন্ধিয়া
আলিবাটৰ মূৰৰ পঁজাঘৰটিৰ থাপনা
মূৰ দোঁৱাই আইতাৰ প্ৰাৰ্থনা
কিজানি দূৰ হয় এই নিঃসংগতা।

দুদিনীয়া জীৱন, মায়াভৰা
দুটি নয়ন সপোনেৰে ভৰা
নিশাৰ আকাশত তিৰবিৰাই তৰা
অশান্ত মন, তই বৰ অঁকৰা!

সৌ সিদিনাৰ ল'ৰালিৰ ধেমালিবোৰ
সপোন সপোন যেন লগা কথাবোৰ
কিয় জানো কৰে বৰকৈ আমনি,
সুদূৰৰ পৰা ভাঁহি আহে
চিনাকি চিনাকি যেন লগা এটি গীতৰ কলি।


10 SEP 2022 AT 1:23

The Threshold

While crossing the threshold,
She was unaware
That this'd be the last time -
Last time she exhibits her rule
In the kingdom where she grew,
Last time she stood
As the dime of those youthful hues
As a child who had her ways
Last time she had built,
The castle of her dreams
Atop her father's affection
And her mum's protection
Last time she won the war
Against her siblings
Over that two shillings!

Next time she crossed the threshold,
It felt disparate
She was not entering her castle
As she ruled it no more.
She's now a guest
Stopping by to take rest.
Her kingdom vapours into the past
Where countless memories last.


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