🧠 Travelling Monk   (Bodhisatva)
123 Followers · 3 Following

Weirdly unique
BG credit - Google, Pinterest
Joined 17 July 2017

Weirdly unique
BG credit - Google, Pinterest
Joined 17 July 2017
16 APR AT 23:26

What is happening,
What will happen,
What might happen,
What might not happen…

It is all play of the Cosmos,
The question is…

Are you Experiencing it?


15 APR AT 21:02

It was a war,
A gruesome one,
One without mercy,
But then it ended,
Not because of them,

It ended because,
The DEMIGOD arrived.


15 APR AT 11:51

Want to improve?
Want to grow?
Measure yourself.

If it cannot be measured,
You cannot improve it.

Find your reference and scale within.


12 APR AT 21:40

The spiral

What you see as the beginning,
Is a midpoint of a long spiral,
The end is not known to you,
But exists, in the realm beyond

It will keep pulling you in search,
But what is this search, actually?
The understanding of the path,
Or view the whole spiral, at once?

What you perceive as the end,
Is a midpoint of a long spiral,
The beginning is not known to you,
But exists, in the realm beyond.


6 APR AT 19:08

संघर्ष यदि आपके अंतर्मन को ज्ञान से उज्ज्वल नहीं करता,
तो आप अभी संघर्ष को पूर्णतः स्वीकार नहीं कर पाए।


29 MAR AT 12:39

It happened abruptly,
Or a delayed realisation?
The pull of being broken,
Collapsing core, like a Black Hole,

The silence growing within,
Muscles diluting slowly,
The clasping powerlessness,
It’s waiting to end me, forever…

But, this isn’t my story,
This is not the destined odyssey,
For I am a Fighter, a Warrior,
I owe myself a Glorious Legend…


27 MAR AT 22:52

If you need prayer, I will do it.
If you need care, I will give it.
If you need support, I am here.
If you need motivation, I will fuel it.
For I am not an individual…

I am the sound of COSMOS.


26 MAR AT 22:25

What are you afraid of?
Whose anger?
But you don't get angry, do you?
Not easily.
It's just…
What? Say it.
When I do, I don't know.
What will happen next.


25 MAR AT 0:02

भस्म करो शम्भो मेरा भय,
करो भस्म अहंकार,
रखो सदा लीन जप तप में,
हो समस्त माया पार।


23 MAR AT 17:26

Step by step,
Everyday, focus…
Don't skip,
Don't miss it,
Move slow,
Observe, absorb,
It will take time,
It always does,
With time,
You will find it…

Your Kung Fu.


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