Tarun kumar Soni  
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Joined 9 March 2018

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Joined 9 March 2018
8 AUG 2022 AT 18:42

आखिर दूरियों को परिभाषित कैसे करें?
क्या दूरियां परिसीमित हैं, स्थान व् काल के भौतिक बंधनों में?
या वे हैं इनसे विलग, परिभाषाओं से परे!
कुछ लोग पास होकर भी... दूर होते हैं दिल के,
और कुछ, दूर होकर भी... पास होते हैं दिल के!

कुछ लोग बमुश्किल घंटों में... बस जाया करते हैं दिल में,
उनकी अदाएं, शरारतें व् मासूमियत भरी नजरें...
अक्सर भा जाया करती हैं, पल में!
जैसे भा जाता है चाँद, शरद पूर्णिमा की रातों में...
पर क्या वह महसूस होता है, हमसे कभी दूर?

वैसे ही दूरियां, उतनी दूर होती हैं...
जितनी दूर होती है,
सुगंध... फूलों की क्यारियों से,
निश्चल मुस्कान... बच्चों की किलकारियों से!


19 MAY 2022 AT 20:07

Fierce Queen (Ode)

Something within, which crosses boundaries,
Without even realizing, it is causing atrocities…
Braveheart she is, who choose to remain silent,
In spite of deserving, all rights to become violent…

Sacrificing everything she had, beautiful memories, friends & a well-settled career…
For the sake of avoiding conflicts; with his dear!
All she wanted is to be treated nicely; at par with the poise & grace she wears,
Yet being misunderstood by her peers!

Only the ones who could feel the storm in her magnificent eyes,
Sheer willpower & determination, she carries behind her sparkling smile…
Fierce queen, she is… Slaying demons with her charm,
Strong & powerful enough to tackle every storm!
Noticing everything, without uttering a single word; she chose to remain calm…
A true source of inspiration, for every man & woman around!


1 APR 2022 AT 19:39


There’s something within, which doesn’t want conflict…
To find equilibrium, it works on instincts!
Holding even the slightest pain, could turn into agony…
The symphony of adoration, could turn into cacophony!

There’s something within, which doesn’t want to lose…
To gain sweetness back, it constantly pursues!
In quest of utopian society, we travel places…
Solving the puzzle of universe, we collect missing pieces!

In order to seek harmony, often we create a fuss,
But in reality… the answer lies within us!
We always had & will be, the ‘option’ to choose,
To stack-up the feelings or let it loose!


23 JAN 2022 AT 22:29

All I did is cared about you...
Something which I couldn't understand myself,
What made me feel so?
It's a sense of deep admiration or a reflection of my soul!

I couldn't figure out why I felt connected?
Wanted to know you more...
In spite of various dissimilarities, nothing in common...
Still I adored!
Sometimes I cried myself, scared you as well...
Reflected resentment felt I couldn't hold it anymore...
But at the end, the warmth and depth of love I had...
Always prevailed and deepened more than before!

It transformed my perspective towards life...
For that I couldn't thank you anymore!
At last as I always said!
You will always be adored! ❤️


21 JAN 2022 AT 21:25

She asked, "You have changed a lot!"
He replied, "Indeed! In order to be liked by you, I have changed myself."

Perplexed with his response...
She asked, "No! That wasn't the version I wanted you to be!"
He riposted, "I wish as well... I have remained the way I have been earlier."
She replied, "Still you could work on yourself. It's better late than never!"


19 JAN 2022 AT 9:54

What it feels when...
You have never been treated,
With same dignity and respect as you should be?
In spite of all this, you still linger around,
Because you feel emotionally attached to someone...
Just the way it is!
It doesn't matter cumulative time you've spend,
Neither the distance, nor the adjectives humans tend to use to distinguish themselves from others!
It just happens, Which you couldn't explain merely by words...
Which grows exponentially as indices not as surds!


4 JAN 2022 AT 21:39

They asked, "What makes you indecisive?"
He replied, "Being able to see both sides of the coin..."

Perplexed with his response...
They asked, "But how? Contrarily it should enable better decision making."
He riposted, "Nah, It makes it even worse, especially when both have different views."


4 JAN 2022 AT 21:11

They asked, "What invites trouble?"
He replied, "Being too straightforward..."

Perplexed with his response...
They asked, "But it's a good trait, Isn't it?"
He riposted, "To some extent. It would be better, If I could keep it close to my chest!"


29 DEC 2021 AT 21:14

मोहब्बत है... तो जताया करो!
शिक़वा हो हमसे... तो बताया करो!
यूँ घुट-घुट कर जीना, भी क्या जीना!
सामने नहीं तो गर... ख्वाब में आया करो! ❤️


29 DEC 2021 AT 20:11

कहानी का अंत कौन तय करता है?
लेखक, किरदार या पाठक?
पुस्तकों की दुनिया में... अक्सर लेखक!
पर असल दुनिया में?
कहानी का अंत तय करते हैं "किरदार"

कभी नायक, नायिका द्वारा पीछे धकेल दिया जाता है
इसलिए नहीं कि... उनके बीच प्रेम नहीं था!
बल्कि इसलिए... कि वह वक्त सही नहीं था!
किसी मजबूत रिश्ते में प्रेम, बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा होता है
पर वही सर्वथा नहीं होता!
उम्र, हैसियत, सामर्थ्य, संपदा...
ये सभी अभिन्न अंग होते हैं... मजबूत रिश्ते के!

नायक धकेला गया है, मारा नहीं गया!
नायिका इस आस में है... आज भी!
जब वह लौटेगा... होंगी उसके पास तमाम चीजें!
जो बना सकेंगी मजबूत नींव... अनंत प्रेम की!


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