#youdotome quotes

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9 NOV 2017 AT 13:09

You do to me what a rough sea do to a ship,
I feel all drenched and shaky from your love.


5 NOV 2017 AT 14:47

You do to me what the full moon does to the sea,
You create high tides in my heart and I turn crazy and wild.


3 NOV 2017 AT 18:42

You do to me what dusk does to the sky,
You splatter some pink and orange to my cheeks.


4 NOV 2017 AT 14:14

You do to me what the sun does to the sunflowers,
You send me into a trance and hold my attention.


9 NOV 2017 AT 12:46

You do to me what the rain does to still water,
My heart ripples and flits with love.


9 NOV 2017 AT 12:57

You do to me what the river does to a leaf,
I float and travel with you and I've no questions about your whereabouts.
