#vector quotes

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26 NOV 2018 AT 12:48

I may not express
I may not try to impress
for I never knew to ingres
your constellation..
I, an eluding nectar
shall forever be far away
from any of your vector..


16 MAR 2018 AT 9:26

Success Is A Special Vector Quantity Which Needs A Great Magnitude Of Your Hard Work In An Appropriate Direction With A Lot Of Patience !


22 SEP 2020 AT 13:35

Work hard✅

But in the right
Direction only...➡️

Scalar has magnitude only✅
Vector has direction also✅➡️

Be a vector in real life...➡️

#Engineer 😬😁🤭


21 OCT 2020 AT 20:12

Be like
a vector quantity
not a scalar one
that is Direction less .


20 APR 2019 AT 16:06

Direction is more important than magnitude.....


29 NOV 2019 AT 16:44

Vector product of two vectors is ?
(A) Scaler
(B) Vector
(C) Zero
(D) None of the above


5 JAN 2019 AT 11:25

I'm 18,
My life is all about producing the
'Resultant vector' of my efforts
though it has direction towards lust and magnitude of too many
heartbreaks at a time,
Still I'm grateful to 'Normal Reaction' that I know, will always be there for me when I try to oppose the popular teenage expectations.


18 JAN 2021 AT 16:47

I wish
All happiness of yours
May knock every doors
Of your heart
Atleast you can feel them
If you can't hold them..


Love is like a "Vector Quantity"
Everyone has experienced it, in a different "Direction" with a different "Magnitude"..🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


9 AUG 2021 AT 10:17

Having both
Magnitude & Direction !
