#shweta_pavan quotes

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16 APR 2018 AT 12:38

Oh moon !
Will you be that bright ,
So that your light
Can remove the murkiness
Of my LIFE .
Oh sun !
Will you be that warm ,
So that your warmness
Can change my chilled LIFE .
Oh stars !
Will you be that blazing ,
So that your luminosity
Can awake my LIFE
from all indistinctness.
Oh clouds !
Will you be that heavy to rain ,
So that those rainfalls
Can discard me from
All the hassles of my LIFE.


17 AUG 2018 AT 13:15

बहुत रौनक हुअा होगा
कल भगवान के दरबार में

एक फरिश्ता पहुंचा था
जमीं से असमान में

अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी 🙏🙏
