#invigilator quotes

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14 MAY 2018 AT 1:48

Mother: Your lifelong invigilator.


28 MAR 2017 AT 0:06

an Invisible Invigilator
during exam
of your Life!


6 NOV 2018 AT 4:48

Dear invigilator,
Don't allot his seat beside my seat in the exam. Bcz when he was just next to me, I was so busy in keeping stare at him☺️, I forgot that, oh shit!! I had to attend the questions.🤦


15 DEC 2019 AT 13:04



3 DEC 2019 AT 12:39

I gaze at you..
When you don't see!!
I look somewhere..
When you look at me..
I blush..
When you turn aside!!!
My exam hall invigilator!! :D


10 AUG 2019 AT 22:21

Invigilator saying,
"Silence, don't talk",
itself contributes
to a lot of noise. 🤗


17 MAR 2022 AT 16:57

They couldn't speak..
There was silence for a long time..
The two were looking at one another..
Their eyes conveyed so many messages..
Then they decided..

and submitted..

their answer sheets to the invigilator and left the examination hall.😋🫢


22 DEC 2021 AT 22:25

Revisiting Exam Warning Bell Adrenaline Rush !
Staying Awake Late night to Grasp inputs!

What I missed in Online exam...
Requesting the Invigilator
Please 10 min more
Because the Timer of the device doesn't have Empathy.
#CTET2021 #Onlineexam #gratitude


15 AUG 2021 AT 20:45

People think writing examination is difficult. But they don't see the difficulties of the invigilator. If you see any organised exam hall, you see a poor man moving over and over again on the same path between the rows of benches with a definite frequency. He is hero to himself and villian to the candidates.
He should not sit, read, take a nap, touch the mobile phone, moreover the lecturer should not lecture/talk during the three hours period. I am afraid if the invigilator is also prohibited to think in his mind about anything.
Only one interesting thing is that cup of tea. He should be as alert as a vip security gunman. He should invent and practice innovative methods to curb malpractice. If he finds any two of the examinees murmuring, he should immediately roar like a lion so that those two candidates fear to talk with each other for life time i mean outside the exam hall also. He should stand at the back of the examinees. If he notices any one repeatedly turning backwards, he confirms he has a chit and he is trying to copy. He must at once jump to the spot and investigate his belongings like writing pad, take away the chits, create a big scene, his mission is successful.


30 NOV 2017 AT 18:48

He was looking
at his crush
in the examination hall.

The invigilator wrote
"maal-practice" on
his answer sheet.
