#frustratedstudent quotes

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5 JUN 2020 AT 2:55

I hear that Universities are planning to conduct Exams Online....


6 JUN 2020 AT 13:21

When college sends another assignment to write..


30 SEP 2022 AT 19:57

Competitive exam मे आना , फिर उसे अपनी दुनिया बना लेना,
ये तेरी सबसे बड़ी भूल है, इससे आगे भी तो तेरा जीवन अनमोल है,
हां, तू कर कड़ी मेहनत, पर अगर ना हुआ सफल
तो टूट मत जाना,
Universe को पता है, कोन सी field तेरे लिए suitable है तुझे कहा है ले जाना,

ये असफलता तूझसे कुछ अलग करवाएगी,
अब तुझे वो तेरी सही मंजिल की ओर ले जाएगी ।!


25 NOV 2021 AT 9:57

At this point in time I really want my life in Xavier's to end. Online classes are becoming more of a hassle than a learning opportunity. After all we are writing lots of submissions, giving many tests and suffering in the name of these so called online classes. That too for a meagre weightage of 30% and majority of them being a scheduled waste of time burdening the students. I understand that life of a teacher is definitely not easy but that doesn't give them the right to pass the blame on the students. Most of them say that if you are not comfortable asking doubts in class, you could message or mail me. However they are also the ones who stop you from messaging them. In fact I haven't got the reply of an important mail I sent about 3 months ago till date.
Isn't it ironic when error happens from teachers side it is labelled as technical issue but when student is suffering from same problem it's called excuse.
