#favouriteauthor quotes

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24 AUG 2020 AT 15:34

Who are your favourite authors and why?


3 AUG 2019 AT 12:35

I squeezed him with all my might, wishing I could open myself up and pour my love straight into his heart, that I could tear my own skin off and give it to him to wrap around his wounds.


8 JUL 2017 AT 12:14

Love is when you accept the fact that you are two different people..
Free to live your own lives your way..
Connected spiritually and emotionally but never bonded by strings..
Rather free to spread your own wings and fly..


8 JUL 2017 AT 0:42

Don't make yourself choose
between life and death..
Don't force yourself to
die just because things
went wrong at times..
Remember.. There are
thousands wanting what you have..
And your parents won't
like to see you lying dead on the
white bed..


26 MAY 2020 AT 19:28

I am going to hate loving you
More than I loved loving you


3 JUL 2017 AT 13:54

I had always been in a closed room with just a diary in my hand and a few books to read. Publishing was like a hidden dream and something I never thought would turn into reality. Soon life had unfolded the most magical paths for me and helped me walk into the world of writers and poets and I came to know where people like me exist and how kindness runs down their spine. Meeting people who were alike gave me a new birth and helped me rejuvenate and improve myself to secure a career in writing.


22 AUG 2021 AT 12:52

"We don't become writers in schools of creative writing. We become writers before we learn to write. The rest is simply learning how to put it together."

- Ruskin Bond


11 JUL 2017 AT 10:40

Don't make your life complicated by pushing people away..
If you want to talk, talk it out because you already know who is close to you and who is not..
If you want to call then call and if you want to do something good then do it..
Don't worry about doing things that don't cost you anything..
Because my dear friend life is short and you deserve to live it to the fullest..
I know some problems are out of control but you can always make the situation better with those which are under control..
You deserve to be loved and to live and you deserve all the happiness in this world..
Smile because it doesn't cost anything and nothing can make you fail in life because you are strong.. πŸ˜‡


23 MAY 2020 AT 19:10

Whenever I read your words, I am awestruck with admiration for you. You were less than half my age when you started penning down your thoughts. I am amazed to see the maturity and clarity of thought you exhibited at that tender age, when most girls are harrowed by the onset of puberty. You were a visionary, you were a far sighted person but you also enjoyed living in the moment as you fondly mentioned your moments with your family in the gift you gave to the world. You felt, your heart bled for the ones suffering out there. You wanted to be there for them. You wanted the world to become a better place. You breathed life into whoever caught a glimpse of your smile, until your own breath was buried under the flames of hatred and false supremacy. Anne, you wrote that you wanted to go on living even after your death. Your fate could not turn you into an old woman but it made you immortal, just as you wished.


23 JUN 2017 AT 10:57

Time to get up now..
I shouldn't just stay down..
One last try...
Just one more time when there
is no faith and only despair,
I need to be the hope and light.
It will take everything in me
but I know life won't let
me down again..
