Suyog Potdar   (SuyogSays)
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Joined 25 August 2017

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Joined 25 August 2017
28 JUN 2023 AT 0:54

In your presence, a subtle shift unfurled,
Awakening the senses, our connection uncurled.
Once distant, our hearts touched in harmony's embrace,
Yet in proximity, an estrangement I couldn't erase.

There lingered unspoken tales upon your lips,
A silent reservoir of secrets that eclipse.
I, too, held whispers within my soul's deep well,
Yet they remained unvoiced, an untold spell.

Somewhere amiss, the threads of our bond frayed,
A disquiet stirring, an unfamiliar shade.
For the first time, I sensed a grave divide,
A rift unseen, where our love did subside.
- Suyog Potdar


26 JUN 2023 AT 23:14

Invariably, there will exist individuals for whom you harbor deep affection, yet they may fail to recognize the worth of your love. Simultaneously, there will be individuals who ardently adore you, while you, regrettably, do not reciprocate their sentiments. It is advisable to seek out those who genuinely love you rather than investing in unrequited love. Love cannot be compelled; it can only be embraced willingly.
- Suyog Potdar


26 JUN 2023 AT 21:22

"Being rich may bring opulence and wealth, but being royal emanates an enduring grace and nobility that transcends material possessions, for true royalty resides within the heart and is felt in every action."
- Suyog Potdar


25 JUN 2023 AT 22:39

"God, in His wisdom, bestows upon us not the desires of our hearts, but the gifts we truly deserve. What is meant for us, He safeguards with unwavering devotion, allowing it to flourish and remain eternally embedded within the fabric of our souls."
- Suyog Potdar


22 JUN 2023 AT 17:51

He : तेरे वास्ते फलक से मैं चांद लाऊंगा,
सोला सतारा सितारे संग बांध लाऊंगा
She : चांद तारो से कहो अभी ठहरे जरा..
पहले जाके तू मेरे लिए चाय बनाएगा,
कुछ buscuits और rusk भी साथ लाएगा
- Suyog Potdar


21 JUN 2023 AT 19:55

Music & Universe
Suyog Potdar


20 JUN 2023 AT 20:42

Smoking is like embracing suffocation as a recreational activity !
I find it utterly perplexing how individuals derive pleasure from smoking. Merely being in close proximity to someone engaged in the act leaves me feeling as oxygen-deprived as an individual attempting to breathe on the planet Mars.
- Suyog Potdar


19 JUN 2023 AT 14:25

"Stay hungry for knowledge, for in the realm of constant learning lies the key to unlocking limitless possibilities. Embrace the art of upgrading your skills, and watch yourself soar to new heights of success. The pursuit of growth knows no boundaries."
- Suyog Potdar


18 JUN 2023 AT 14:23

"Like a sturdy oak, a father's love shelters and sustains,
His caring embrace, an anchor in life's storms, remains.
Guiding with wisdom, he nurtures hearts with endless grace,
A father's love, a priceless gift, no words can ever replace."
- Suyog Potdar


15 JUN 2023 AT 9:10

कुछ लोग पूछ रहे थे -
के क्या बात हैं सुयोग, आजकल तू फिर से लिख रहा हैं
हसके केह दिया हमने भी -
के जो चांद छिपा था कही, वो आजकल फिर से दिख रहा हैं
- सुयोग पोतदार


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