Sugato Panda   (बनीफ़र)
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Joined 19 October 2017

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Joined 19 October 2017
26 FEB AT 4:36

बहने वालों को डूबने का ग़म कैसा,
तिनके की तलाश में ज़िंदगी का सार लिख डालते हैं ।

खुलके जीने वालों को मौत की हमदर्दी हमेशा रहती है,
स्थिरता और अस्थिरता के सामंजस्य को जज़्बात अपनी स्याही से नक़्क़ाशी कर ही देता है ।


21 AUG 2022 AT 20:01

Does it really end?
That which reside on your intricacies,
Rest in your thoughts and are omniscient between
your beats.
Miles before I go to sleep, I shall keep hoping
Hoping to keep myself steady between US
For between the flowing time have we collapsed and


3 APR 2021 AT 0:11

मै राख से बनी साझेदारियों का एक पुतला हूँ,
जो रिश्तों की चिताओ पर चितंन करना भूलना जानता है।


6 FEB 2021 AT 13:33

...and one day, God said “Let there be light”.
and all, which was within turned void,
as fear crucified faith.


31 MAR 2020 AT 20:37

To the passerby,
who sang lullabies
to make those eyes
shut for a while.

The road indeed was long,
and travellers often ,
fell asleep to cursed melodies.

Hopeless Romantics, they say!


27 MAR 2020 AT 2:54

।। बंदिश ।।

शायद टूटना वक़्त का तक़ाज़ा था,
क़ैद करने वाले अपने हवालात जो बदलते गए।

टूटे हुए को बिखरने से डर कैसा ?
बिखेरा हुआ वजूद को आज़ाद सैर करवाना
अब नशा जो था।


7 JAN 2020 AT 22:46

Angels fall everyday
But the truth is,
God hardly cares.


9 NOV 2019 AT 12:47

We are the instruments of chaos
That relentlessly clinker to strike
Symphony in our monotonousness


9 NOV 2019 AT 12:34

The world you are in ,
will always be on fire
to be the ash,
Or rise up like a smoke
Is in your hands.


13 OCT 2019 AT 0:55

Insecurities are polarised
But what do we secure,
so that we become insecure often
When all that we see is an illusion
That time sets us up with.
Bidding Goodbye is an art,
Which we fail to master

Our heart breaks, yet we stand
We wipe our tears, and write again
Stories that we hope will never end
Yet we become the architects of our conclusions.


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