James Carnival   (JC)
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Joined 2 June 2017

Joined 2 June 2017
21 JAN 2022 AT 0:25

Over a period of time, you grow numb to certain things that you cared about or worried about. Looking back into the past, the same thing that caused excitement or agony doesn't affect you anymore. What's worse about is you never know if growing numb is good or bad!?


3 JAN 2022 AT 23:53

Focused on work,
the mind suddenly wavers to past,
thinks about that one person,
with so much memories about them,
who shared everything with,
the person who used to be a constant,
the one who would share the shadow 24/7,
drifted away from the life,
no longer in touch,
distanced apart to get in contact with,
and no idea about their life.
there's a wry smile on your face,
with a pain beneath,
and a despair knowing it won't be to the way it was!


15 SEP 2021 AT 23:56

I'm a loner, a goner
treading my own path,
seeking light through the dark,

I found you, bright as a sun,
alpha like a few, right as a compass

sure it ain't smooth as a butter
but life got better with you by my side

We are poles apart, negating each other,
yet the friction kept us from sailing apart,

Through the tough tides and merry go rides,
Along the valley and as well as to the peak of hills,
One true trustworthy person to stand by my shadow!

Over 7 years have gone by,
truly wonder what if we hadn't met,
lives would have been different,
clueless of how it would have been for you,
pretty sure mine would have been miserable as hell!

To more journeys through the toughest road called life!


2 JUL 2021 AT 23:33

You are your own solace.


30 JUN 2021 AT 22:05

When days grow dark,
finding myself sad over things,
You were the light to bring in life,
The cheer that makes me believe
The shoulder that I can lean on,
The shadow that gives me hope,
The person I can rely upon.,
The soul that shall always be my side.
Thanks for existing,
Thanks for existing in my life!


7 JUN 2021 AT 0:56

Thick as skin, Bright as sun,
True as steel, forever as shadow,
Together through the peaks and valleys,
Unwavered by ego or disbelief,
Bonded by the trust and care,
I shall stand by you, while you by me,
With a hope to be the same till eternity!


21 MAY 2021 AT 1:22

An irresistible urge,
A clueless feeling,
A sly grin up on the cheeks,
A hope for a bright future together,
Soothing calmness when around,
Showering unconfined emotions,
The indescribable euphoria,
An Unexplainable high,
Rock bottom lows,
Horrible heartbreaks,
The persistent belief
over each other
is what makes love "love",
End of the day,
Heart wants what it wants!


12 FEB 2021 AT 0:14

As we walk in the moonlight,
I will hold your hands,
And feel the soothing heat of your palms.

You laugh at something silly,
While I'll be dazzled at your alluring eyes,
that convey a thousand meanings.

As we continue to stroll,
Silence fills the empty street.
You lay your head on my shoulders,
feeling secure around me,
when I be wishing for
the moment to last till eternity.

Tears rush through the corners of my eyes,
And I look at my empty hands,
Wishing with remorse
that you shall comeback
for the improbable to come true!


23 DEC 2020 AT 23:24

Life hasn't been easier,
But it's better when you are near,

A soul to care about me,
A shoulder to cry,
A face to look for cheer,
And a heart that wishes only well,

Through the ride in the past,
We might have hit bumps,
But we held our hands together,
To see through without falling out,

Despite the differences and distance,
There's a trust that bonds us together,
And a hope that,
this shall last for eternity!


27 AUG 2020 AT 21:21

The Grand Gesture
(In caption)


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