Smriti Pradhan   (Smri)
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Joined 17 September 2017

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Joined 17 September 2017

Wallet on the first week after payday be like



In the rooms of our hearts
lie forgotten corners,
where childhood memories, like spiderwebs, hang.
These corners bear the footprints of school friends whose names you don't even remember.
Layers upon layers of dust,
if they could speak, would tell you stories of those carefree days when all you did was have fun.



the women's brain
a maze of twists
where unsolved mystery
persists and insists



22 APR AT 22:05

a fruit with rough
red skin on the outside
but inside
it's a sweet
juicy delight

like a burst
of summer
in your mouth


22 APR AT 16:35

you're trying to stay focused during a long meeting, but your eyes have other plans


22 APR AT 16:25

I passionately preach about embracing our Hindi language, but then they find out I'm an English teacher!


22 APR AT 16:13

Rewind the tape on all the good deeds done,
carry the joy forward, let it shine like the sun.
In a world of stress, be the source of cheer,
rewind the tape, spread smiles far and near.

Let kindness echo in each word we say,
rewinding joy with every step along the way.
Amidst life's chaos, let happiness lead our stride,
rewind the tape, where joy does abide.


22 APR AT 15:57

distance, a mirage
of space between us,
dissolved by
the closeness
of our hearts



21 APR AT 22:58

In the silence of my anger, I wait,
hoping for your words to bridge this gap.
Come back soon, let's heal the wounds and stitch the scars,
together, we'll weather this storm, the warriors that we're!


21 APR AT 11:43

Let the strokes flow,
and the words cascade,
In the organized mess,
where ideas are braided.
Lyricists weave a saga,
singers string the notes,
In this rainbow of chaos,
where creativity floats.



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