Shivatva Beniwal   (Shivatva Beniwal)
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Joined 29 September 2017

Joined 29 September 2017
24 NOV 2022 AT 12:09

The religious or philosophical or ideological system that does not cultivate and facilitate ‘equality of opportunity’ in ‘every human sphere’ to ‘every human being’—or, at least, every member of its own community—needs to be rejected and uprooted. The varna institution of Hinduism is the greatest evil in the Hindu community as it is firmly based on the principle of ‘inequality of opportunity’.


2 MAR 2021 AT 17:59

‘Belief in the authority of the Vedas, and in a Creator, desiring merit from bathing, pride in caste, and practising self-denial for the eradication of sins – these five are the marks of stupidity of one whose intelligence is damaged.’

vedapramanyam kasyacit kartrvadah,
snane dharmeccha jativadavalepah.
santaparambhah papahanaya ceti,
dhvastaprajnanam pancalirigani jadye.

— Dharmakirti, 7th-Century


20 FEB 2021 AT 21:29

जिस भारतीय ने अभी तक किसी भी “धर्म” को नहीं अपनाया, वो अधर्मी ही “हिंदू” हैं।

धर्म अर्थात् शैव, वैष्णव, शाक्त, तन्त्र, जैन, बौद्घ, सिख, कबीर पंथ, दादू पंथ, रैदास पंथ, नामदेव पंथ, इस्लाम, ईसाइयत, पारसी, आदि।


16 FEB 2021 AT 10:10

“Completely de-control the Indian market and control the Indian mind.”
— Narendra Modi


9 FEB 2021 AT 17:16

Swami Vivekananda’s letter to Narendra Modi:

Dear Narendra,

You erect statues and temples all through India, but the crying evil in the country is not religion—they have religion enough—but it is bread that the suffering millions of burning India cry out for with parched throats. They ask you for bread, but you give them stones. It is an insult to a starving people to offer them religion; it is an insult to a starving man to teach him metaphysics.

I just hope that better sense will prevail and you will wake up. Wishing you all the best. Thank you.

Swami Vivekananda.


9 FEB 2021 AT 11:06

Free India started its journey with the motto ‘Unity in Diversity’ and has ended up with the motto ‘Purity in Unity’. Now, ‘unity’ is not sufficient; you need to follow a purified set of unity — one leader, one ideology, one mindset, one worldview, one food habit, one dress code and so on — and whosoever appears ‘different’ in any manner is considered as a traitor.


29 JAN 2021 AT 23:10

It is so painful that we have to prove our Hinduness and Indianness to a cult—the RSS-BJP—which was founded by the British to subvert our freedom movement and malign our religion.

Our ancestors have fought for and tilted this land for millennia, we are still doing that. We have been feeding and giving alms to Hindu priests for millennia, but today their children are calling us anti-Hindu, anti-Indian.

Folks, I say wake up and resist against these petty thugs with all might. Engage with them intellectually (and physically if needed). Every Hindu who supports the BJP-RSS should be treated as a petty traitor and thug.


6 JAN 2021 AT 22:17

Spiritually, all sentient beings are one and equal, and distinctions like species, race, creed, caste, colour, gender, nationality etc are man-made. Accordingly, all sentient beings deserve the same love and reverence. If your philosophy or religion propagates otherwise, then you need to change it or you are an enemy of humanity.

Though economic or material equality is impossible, unscientific, and unwanted. Is it possible to have the same income for a rickshaw puller and a physicist? Or a genius and hardworking physicist and an average and lazy physicist? Of course, not. And by the way, economic inequality promotes competition, and competition leads to progress.


5 JAN 2021 AT 13:20

ब्राह्मणवाद का राजनीतिक पक्ष हैं हिन्दुत्व अथवा हिन्दू राष्ट्रवाद और इसका लक्ष्य है शूद्र, दलित, आदीवासी और सभी वर्गों की महिलाओं को आतंकित करके, उनको दासता की जंजीरों में जकड़कर रखना। रामबोले दूबे ने एक दौहे के माध्यम से इस आतंक का इस तरह उल्लेख किया:

ढोल, गवाँर, सूद्र, पसु, नारी।
सकल ताड़ना के अधिकारी॥

वास्तव में, हिन्दुत्व अथवा हिन्दू राष्ट्रवाद एक भ्रमित नाम है, क्योंकि इसका मूल ब्राह्माणवाद हैं, ना कि हिन्दूधर्म। उन्होंने यह शब्दावली जान बूझकर चूनी, क्योंकि शूद्र, दलित, आदिवासी और सभी वर्गों की महिलाओं के सहयोग के बिना हिन्दुत्व का सपना साकार नहीं हो सकता।


30 DEC 2020 AT 14:01

Practical patriotism means not a mere sentiment or even emotion of love of the motherland but a passion to serve our fellow-countrymen. I have gone all over India on foot and have seen with my own eyes the ignorance, misery and squalor of our people. My whole soul is afire and I am burning with a fierce desire to change such evil conditions...If you want to find God, serve man. To reach Narayana you must serve the Daridra Narayanas-the starving millions of India...
— Swami Vivekananda


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