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A cheeky 23 year old exploring her way with words :)
Joined 7 April 2017

A cheeky 23 year old exploring her way with words :)
Joined 7 April 2017
27 OCT 2023 AT 23:52

A taste of longing

My mother always taught me
That love is meant to be earned,
She said "Darling, love someone
the way you wish to be loved."
So I did.
I cut opened my heart,
where I had love oozing,
just waiting to be served.

And as I gave and gave, He craved for more,
Purely addicted to the love I poured.
Little did I know that he'd deplete me
Of the very thing I needed the most,
Sparing merely but a few drops
left for me to taste,
I hoped for love, my dreams effaced.

Despite experiencing the drug's allure,
You took everything I had
and left me aching for more.
I watched you, watching me
knocking from door to door,
Crying, praying and hoping
That maybe, just maybe
Someone might give me a little taste,
And finally end my agony,
Which, I can no longer take.


1 OCT 2023 AT 4:40

I doubt I'll ever want it to start ticking again
As every day, every hour and
every second passes me by,
I feel like I'm inching closer towards the end.
What if it's a dark and lonely place?
Where there's no trace of light.
Does your soul travel through
the realms of time,
or does it attach itself to another body,
shedding the memories and skin
of its past life.
What does it mean to rest in peace?
Is it something you attain by learning
to love your own company, as in the end
you're all that you've got.
Are the concepts of heaven and hell true?
Or are we meant to experience
a little bit of both
while we walk god's green the earth.
So many questions, so little time
What if you die with regrets, especially
that you never truly, fully, lived your life?


20 OCT 2022 AT 2:02

What would you say if I asked you a question,
about whether you truly love someone
or you just love the idea
of loving and being loved by them?

We live in a world where romance romanticised
and love is idealised,
without understanding its true essence.

All these romance novels and movies by Disney
Project a picture so perfect and rosy,
Where you find your dashing knight in armour
That worships at your altar, loves you wholly,
Slays dragons for you and
showers you with flowery poetry.

Little do we realise how we are duped to think
that love is an elusive feeling
which demands to be chased,
anxiously attach ourselves to,
and possessed, till codependence is gained.

While Internalising love's idealistic view,
we end up putting ourselves through
an open-heart surgery sans anesthesia on a loop,
as we jump from person to person,
for a very simple reason
that in the end,
we are just scared to be lonely


7 JAN 2022 AT 3:21

Meant to take you
where you want to be
Some could turn into
a beautiful hike with a view.
While some could be really bumpy.

Some could be blocked
Forcing you to find another route
Could be longer or shorter
But that's on you to figure out

Some might be dangerous
Forcing you to face your fears
While some might be fun,
Opening doors to new adventures.

But in the end, the destination
doesn't matter as much,
What does, is the road.
And you getting to make memories
While learning from the mistakes
of your own.

It doesn't matter how far
someone else has reached,
You may never know,
This may just be a pause,
And not an end to your journey.


7 JAN 2022 AT 1:17

I want to be surrounded by trees
With you by my side,
As the fall comes around.
Seeing the roads fill with leaves,
Red, yellow and brown.

When the air turns colder,
I'll hold you close to me,
You can rest your head on my shoulder,
As we savour the colourful symphony.

Let me hold your hand,
As we walk down the tranquil street.
Soaking warm sunlight on our faces,
Complimented with some chilly Breeze.

As we hear the wind howl,
Rustling through the leaves,
I lean closer to you
And leave a peck on your cheek.

I want to sit under a tree,
Where I watch you read, peacefully.
As we feel autumn's warm caress,
we share our first kiss,
relishing nature's alchemy.


4 JAN 2022 AT 15:57

I reach up to the top shelf of my closet
And enwrap myself in his shirt,
Just so I can remember what it felt like
Being held in his arms again.

When I miss the one I love,
I open the folder dedicated to him and us,
As I feel my heart fill with happiness
and the aching will of setting
my lips on his, not just his pictures.

When I miss the one I love,
I call him up,
As his voice has the power
to flip my worst days to the best.

When I miss the one I love,
I feel my eyes tear up,
Wishing he never left,
Just to be reminded that
even if he's gone, it's not forever.


24 JUN 2021 AT 23:09

Heartbreak is like autumn,
cold, dry and inevitable.
You shed the dried leaves
of your wrecked heart,
leaving you naked, vulnerable and void,
but it also braces you to bear the beauty of
the new ones on your barren branch.


3 APR 2021 AT 20:39

I wonder what would become of us.

It would be like a game of chess,
where we're our own opponent,
aware of every consequence
of each move that we'd make,
and maybe, there would be no
room for mistakes,
since, as humans we like to be prepared,
for better or for worse,
we would lay down the whole course
of how we would wish our lives to be,
and then, take steps accordingly.

But what a dull world it would be to live in,
with no uncertainty and thrill.
planning and plotting our whole lives,
having to exist with the curse of
blatant monotony.
curiosity wouldn't have killed the cat,
it would be butchered by scrutiny instead.

Maybe ignorance is bliss at times,
and sometimes it's a bane,
for it could set us free
from the chaos, unforseen
or just simply drive us insane.


14 JAN 2021 AT 0:34

Let me evolve at my own pace,
For, I am still learning.

I still have a road to walk,
Filled with life's viscous plots,
Be prepared for every turn and twist,
And be able to not lose my wits.

I'm still to unlearn a few concepts,
That have been clouded by the
society's judgement.

I yet am to stand on the crossroads
of vice and virtue,
making tough choices even when
I don't want to.

I am yet to forgive and learn to forget,
To show mercy, to others and myself.

I still need to shed my skin,
For change is the only constant.
And I need to build the strength,
find myself everytime I go astray.

So, don't try to rush me,
as you and I aren't the same,
Our paths maybe different,
But it's still the same game.

It's not about who comes first or last,
But it's about respecting your past,
Ditching your burdens,
and taking the lessons,
For, you and I,
Are still learning.


9 SEP 2020 AT 21:24

"The Voice"

The Curtains are drawn,
before a huge crowd you stand alone
Your hands get sweaty and
your voice trembles with fear.

Suddenly you hear a whisper!

Psst! Can you hear me?
Don't worry, just hold your composure
and take a deep breath,
Take a step forward and close your eyes,
feel your body getting steadier,
Now focus on your thoughts,
and speak them out loud
You're brave and bold,
you know you've got this.
You know its true, just believe it.
You're brilliant enough to design your future,
the future with a vision,
Being the best version of yourself
is your all time Mission.
So don't be hesitant to speak up,
after all you have a voice that matters.
Remember ‘you are enough’
Besides I’m here for you and
you and I shall get through this together.

But Who am I?
Maybe a well wisher or a friend?
Or maybe I'm just the voice inside your Head.


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