31 DEC 2017 AT 23:47

I'm trying to write 2017 a decent send-off and am failing miserably. I think this year has been a very significant one of my life. I've realized that my poetry has been quite mediocre, and maybe it's a good idea to stop till I find something that absolutely moves me to write my next poem. I've also realized that "no one has been crueler to me than I have been to myself." So far I'd neglected my mental health needs so much so that I'd stifled all the voices in my heart, till the time they made their way to my head and I couldn't stop them anymore. This year has been the year of missed calls, unanswered messages and friends who're unhappy about the first two things. This year, I've done more crying, more origami, more cooking, more sleeping than any year before. This year, I've worked hard and enjoyed college. Also, lost some weight and gained more of it back and tagged friends in memes rampnatly, and seriously think that it should be considered a means of communication. (promt:clean phone memory). This year, I've found love. I no longer need to look for science, art and miracle in different places. They're all in the same place.

(Look at me talk like an all-knowing piece of shit.)

- The Broken Clock