27 JUL 2017 AT 5:05

Man deserves more
Man continues to ignore
For man has chosen to,
In his wisdom and discovery
Man has found a greater being
Shown through man's evolution
Yet man has continued to fail
Even as man continues to gain
Yet man fight's his survival,
His existence and his natural home
Through man's curiosity and probe
Ironically, man threatens himself,
Man continues to see a god
Just in man himself
For ignorance to account the place of God
Yet man fails to explain his source
Even as man is yet a creature
Hook line and sinker
Man is truly man
Mortal above all food chain
And entity on a win struggle
To keep man supreme
As god and as mortal; as man on his explore
is just a roaming creature
on a patient face of the revolving earth ©pavlo_inc

- Al pavlo