Nayansh Gupta   (✍Nayansh (Naina))
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Joined 22 December 2017

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Joined 22 December 2017
17 JAN 2022 AT 22:37


Don't let your spark dim.
Use your spark and brighten
your future.
Be grimace for someone and
fill his life with a glimmer.


16 JAN 2022 AT 23:23

Go with the flow.
Go with your intentions.
Go with your inner soul.
Go with your kindness.
Go with your politeness.
Go with your charm.
Go with your positivity.
Go with your experience.
Go with your learning.
Go with your understanding.
Go with your dreams.
Go with your passion.
Go with your happiness.
Go with your growth.
Don't go with the simple flow.
Go with yourself.


16 JAN 2022 AT 12:40

धर्मो से बनता देश है, देश से बनते हम,
क्यों उलझे हो हिंदू मुस्लिम में हम सब है एक।


15 JAN 2022 AT 23:31

Love never break you!
It collects your broken pieces and
makes you a stronger person.
It never asks anything in return.
It never left you alone.
Love is beyond any relationship.
Relationships can break
but love can't.
Spread Unconditional love and
enjoy the fragrance in your life.


15 JAN 2022 AT 11:51

बयां कर पाऊं इस दिन को अल्फाजों में मेरे वो जान नहीं,
नमन है उन माताओं को शहादत पर जिनकी जान रही।


14 JAN 2022 AT 23:20

No one is perfect.
No one learns exactly,
exact manner as you do.
Find out your unique way
of learning patterns.
Harness your actual latent talent
and potential abilities.
Develop a routine and
be consistent with it.
Always be thankful for
whatever you have and
you will gain whatever you want.


14 JAN 2022 AT 10:31

एक त्योहार रूप अनेक है,
भूगोल की प्रतिक्रिया है
इसलिए थोड़ा सा अलग है।
खिचड़ी का स्वाद, गुड़ की मिठास,
शामिल है अपनो का प्यार।
हिंदी वर्ष की शुरुआत है,
हरियाली भी आज संग आई है।
पतंग की तरह उड़ता जाए,
संक्रांति का ये त्यौहार।


13 JAN 2022 AT 23:50

Jan 13

Order your dream.
Design your dream life.
Don't block your abundance.
Remove your blocks,
Identify them and start decluttering your life.
Act towards your dream.
Life is not Amazon
that you order and expect delivery to complete.
Attract whatever you want in life.
The universe is already working for you. Ask for it,
your dream life waiting for you.
Just trust and act.


13 JAN 2022 AT 10:56

हर तरफ त्यौहारो की सौगात है,
भोगी, लोहड़ी और बिहू की बरसात है।
देखे तो एक ही ये त्यौहार है,
जैसे एक भारत की अनंत संतान है।
मूंगफली, गजक, रेबड़ी और फुल्लो की भरमार है,
सब में ही गुड़ की मिठास है।
सूर्य की रोशनी, अग्नि की तपस,
बना रहे हम पर गुरुओं का कवच।
सरसों का साग ते मक्की दी रोटी,
मुबारक हो सब को लोहड़ी का त्यौहार।


12 JAN 2022 AT 23:36

Jan 12

Don't hesitate don't sit and be silent.
You are the painter of your life.
No one will come and paint your creation. Because you only know the colours to be filled in creation.
Don't give your creation to someone else to fill the wrong colours into it. Take a brush and fill in colours of your choice. Your creation is majestic have faith in yourself. Believe in your painting.
Fill in new colours every day to make it different, admirable unique and notable.


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