NaBeel al-MuSawi  
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Joined 16 October 2017

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Joined 16 October 2017
30 JUL 2021 AT 11:15

Sadness is just a balloon that can be floating anywhere and surprise you like an old friend!


30 JUL 2021 AT 1:56

that I've erased everything .. the places, people, plus connections, it took 3years to remove oneself from life, believe me when I say, "I've created a ghost walk on two legs! "

Ghosts can't feel anything, but I felt a dull ache while you ask my blessing today, then I replied, "whatever, congrats! "

O acupuncture!
I wish you a long and happy life!
I sincerely hope so.


16 JUL 2021 AT 2:09

The zodiac says, I'm still stuck, the Scorpion on the back of Taurus, an arrow from Sagittarius passes through Libra, a faded rose under Virgo, Lion met with Capricorn and bullet lodged in the House of Aquarius!


20 MAR 2021 AT 10:13

You must not upset yourself or
damage your heart! Maybe there
are some things that deserve and
simply can't be avoided but don't
be such as a small boat that
amazingly survived the storm in
the open sea and drowned in a
puddle after that.

In a few words,
don't stop working!


19 MAR 2021 AT 4:56

She whispered, "you just put your hand
over there exactly! What if my love for
you turns into a pain in the L5 vertebrae,
can you love me, Honey?"


14 MAR 2021 AT 11:22

The right of everyone is to reach & drink water
River, lake, fountain, etc. It's useless if not water ²
Excuse, her lips were the spring of a freshwater
But the only one who was drinking was Water! ⁴


22 AUG 2020 AT 1:58

Night creates an eerie sprite
Those looks are panicked
Between the closed plump lips a mild whine
Bullshit, don't you get but you like

How dare they?


15 AUG 2020 AT 13:15

I slept ignoring the place
You may slip somewhere
Still wearing a cross necklace
It's always leading to a grave
That I'm hoping to relieve


12 AUG 2020 AT 10:25

My heart no longer beat
Who lives in it, impacts on it
When my patience runs out
I jumped off the summit

One day in August


9 AUG 2020 AT 11:29

بعد الأنفجار بلحظات..
مر موكبه بجوار أجساد الشهداء مسرعًا
لن يسمع استغاثات الجرحى ولا أنين المحاصرين بين الأنقاض
وأخيراً، بعد أن أخذ موكبه طرق جانبيه توقف بجوار دار للعبادة

عندما ترجل، صاحت حاشيته في الناس:
أفسحوا الطريق سعادته جاء ليتفقد الحجر!

#بضعـ البشر


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