Munish Raza  
791 Followers · 1.9k Following

Confused aatma!
Writing is not my passion it's in blood

For collaboration DM 8287501993
Joined 11 April 2018

Confused aatma!
Writing is not my passion it's in blood

For collaboration DM 8287501993
Joined 11 April 2018
22 FEB AT 14:07

ज़िंदगी की सबसे बड़ी समस्या ये है कि
जब तक जीना आता है तब तक ये निकल चुकी होती है


5 FEB AT 8:20

ज़मीन को आसमान बताने वाले से ज़्यादा झूठा वो है जो इस सवाल पर चुप हो जाऐ


28 OCT 2023 AT 20:50

Karma should be matter more than ibadat


24 SEP 2023 AT 10:28

Oh! You are a human
How can i trust on you


14 NOV 2021 AT 22:22

When you cross the limit of understanding the hard work, you began to understand destiny


14 NOV 2021 AT 21:34

Destiny is something beyond hard work


4 NOV 2021 AT 20:36

सम्पूर्ण विनाश के तीन दूसरे नाम

कर्कशा औरत, अहंकारी मर्द, मुर्ख औलाद


17 OCT 2021 AT 16:58

Speaking too much is the sign of mental anxiety


2 OCT 2021 AT 11:34

ढूंढते है सब अपने दिल का सुकून
प्यार तो किसी ने ना किसी से किया


1 OCT 2021 AT 9:56

If someone totally impress you then he is not totally genuine


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