Mrunal Pagnis   (Mrunal Pagnis)
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Joined 17 January 2017

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Joined 17 January 2017
27 JAN 2017 AT 11:24

I lost myself only to find you.
I lost you only to find myself.
That was my journey from temporal to eternal...


24 MAY 2021 AT 16:30

We spend our time considering opinions as truth and the truth as an opinion.
Shit happens when we find out what we have mixed up.


11 APR 2021 AT 17:51

When you are onto something passionately
People will discourage you
Pull you down
Say mean things
Even call it obsession.
But remember what they call obsession is your determination.
Only you have envisioned the outcome
Only you know the beauty of place you are trying to reach
If you don't push yourself, no one else will.


8 APR 2021 AT 23:46

You cannot raise your priority in their list
But you can certainly lower your expectations of them


2 APR 2021 AT 21:03

I am surrounded by all the loved ones
Yet I want to feel loved by some more
The ones I want to include me dont seem to care enough
Like I don't exist
Or maybe they knowingly want to make me feel less loved
I will never know.
One should not be affected by such people
And yet I fail to ignore them
Why and when did they become so important?
I will never know.
There are things I could do by myself
That will give me joy
And yet I want to be with and do things with them
Am I being obsessive or getting manipulated?
Well, this I need to know.


28 MAR 2021 AT 0:24

Sh sh sh, Sleep my lil girl
Late is the hour
You must stay inside they say
Cause if you go out
there are vultures on you they prey
Sh sh sh, sleep my lil girl
Sleep you must
but not dream
Cause if you do
their false pride would burst
Sh sh sh, sleep my lil girl
Don't wake up
Let your eyes be shut
Cause if you open them
You'll only see disbelief discourage disrupt


27 MAR 2021 AT 23:32

Sushantha is that one song for me which I listen on very special occasions when I am uncomfortable or sad or happy or anything extreme. Her words simply calm me down. The beauty and power of her words is that they are capable of creating a storm of thoughts and yet sooth you at the same time. I have never met her but if I ever do I'll probably sit and watch her in silence, just watch her exist. That will be in itself enlightening.


26 AUG 2020 AT 0:04

Belief is a powerful tool but it requires an open mind, acceptance to error and willingness to change.


25 AUG 2020 AT 23:35

Truth is a point on graph
and so is False.
It remains unaffected by existence or non existence of other points.
Belief, whereas, is the line on graph
drawn roughly where the points are densely populated.
Unlike truth, belief can accommodate errors.
More the error, more the fallacies.


12 JUL 2020 AT 10:13

How strange is mind!
Most true words are not the one written or spoken but those held back.


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