Mohakk Sahoshri   (Saho)
199 Followers · 218 Following

I'm just what I'm
Joined 12 November 2017

I'm just what I'm
Joined 12 November 2017
29 JAN 2022 AT 23:22

Misdeed done for the purpose
of good is not wrong.
- Al Pacino— % &


2 DEC 2017 AT 0:42

A BEAUTIFUL thing is never PERFECT


26 DEC 2021 AT 10:40

You haven't done anything great in life if people don't establish your statue on road squares.


11 DEC 2021 AT 15:46

You aren't successful researcher until you have your own laboratory.


10 DEC 2021 AT 19:33

ଯେତେବେଳେ ତୁମେ ଶୀର୍ଷରେ ପହଞ୍ଚିବ |


10 DEC 2021 AT 13:50

One day you will have your statues established in institutes, offices, squares. People will celebrate your birth and death anniversaries. You'll remind them, you'll inspire them, to do great work.


10 DEC 2021 AT 9:05

You're not successful until students read about you in their school textbooks.


24 NOV 2021 AT 20:07

ସମୟ ସହିତ ଏହା ଶୀଘ୍ର ବାହାରକୁ ଆସିବ |


20 NOV 2021 AT 8:17

ତୁମର ସ୍ମୃତି ସହିତ |


19 NOV 2021 AT 8:22

ମୋର ଡଙ୍ଗା ଭାସୁଛି |
ଏହା ମୋର ପ୍ରେମର ଡଙ୍ଗା |
ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସ୍ଥାନକୁ ଯାତ୍ରା
ପ୍ରେମକୁ ଅନ୍ୟତ୍ର ବିସ୍ତାର କରିବା |
ମୋର ଡଙ୍ଗା ଭାସୁଛି |


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