Misnia Bahri   (@mia.ba_poetryquote)
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Joined 16 October 2019

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Joined 16 October 2019
6 MAY AT 22:47

“ They say money 💰 and fame is everything but health happiness is worth more than money more valuable that money can’t ever buy .


6 MAY AT 22:39

“ Never fear of losing toxic people they only teach you to survive and thrive you and remind you that you were born alone you achieved your dreams goals alone success can be a rockbottom never give up in your dream .


6 MAY AT 22:31

“ The fairytale of real honest people they carry burnt of hurt in silent but yet again they manage to help other people around them .


6 MAY AT 22:27

It’s easy for other too quick to judge and too quick to find fault in you in fact they never find they’re own flawless and flaw or correct themself instead of thinking before speaking they speak then think before speaking caused intolerance comes different ways some think a hundred time before speaking to avoid harming other’s feelings truth is better then fake smile don’t to quick to speak don’t judge to quick to give conclusion to someone’else different side of photography have different caption .


5 MAY AT 20:32

" The strangest feeling is when her heart ain't at eases she chose to move her world to be with someone new in search of hope to feels wholesome wholeheartedly little did she know she found love uneasy it's take patience in terms of healing she found love like never before.


5 MAY AT 20:12

" Life is full unsurprisingly unaware doesn't come without warning life is too short when you cage yourself in negativity of thoughts of anger.


5 MAY AT 18:33

“ Good hearted people always have the intention to help without favor in-return always ended up mislead by those advantage taker .


5 MAY AT 18:29

people we’ve met in the past life we’ve found the beauty of mortality in each others .


4 MAY AT 8:50

The love she holding on ended up with goodbye
How often you found young love fallen out of love and in love and ended up with goodbye
How often love wholesome and wholeheartedly drifting apart still longingly for one another ended up with permanent goodbye


4 MAY AT 6:31

It’s took a long time to realize she was holding onto nothing she left the old story behind her and stepped into a new chapter of her life where she rescued herself once a upon a time there was love so wholeheartedly it’s fragile she ain’t blinded by his betrayal dirty games of cheater never learn the beauty of honesty that’s all in vain vanish in a long ago past that teach her to rescue herself from madness she comes stronger a different version of her younger-self more wiser fairytale doesn’t work for her she finally free out of doubt in her heart and find the kind of real love in her life .


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