Masooma Nazir  
52 Followers · 62 Following

"Want to see dreams with wide open eyes"
Joined 4 July 2017

"Want to see dreams with wide open eyes"
Joined 4 July 2017
15 AUG 2021 AT 23:58

Somewhere on the deserted lands
On the plains of hot sands

Began those miserable nights
Which took the islam to new heights

Which shrieked the rocks, lamented the skies
Burdened the hearts ,moistened the eyes

Watching them were the silent and cursed
Who muffled their cries of intense thirst

Even you witnessed their gloomy fates
Oh! the river of euprhates


5 JUN 2021 AT 12:35

The temptations would never cease to grow
Until you learn to bow for eternal love


28 FEB 2021 AT 11:37

Her tribe scattered
on the scorching sands
Holy Blood spilled was kissed by lands

Her sons butchered in plains
Her arms bruised in chains

Her heart was soaked with blood stains
Her sermons shaked the mountains

Her eyes didn't sleep in fulfilling duty
Her eloquent sayings
"I see nothing but beauty"


8 FEB 2021 AT 17:32

I am in chaos
with crippled thoughts

my hands are clenched
my voice is muffled

my shadow is chasing the dusk
May be i am in the twilight of my life


30 NOV 2020 AT 15:51

And she promised
to walk on the roads
devoid of roses and promises


10 FEB 2020 AT 18:07

If eyes could reveal what they capture
Heart would rupture


28 JUN 2019 AT 23:42

Every time the brain recalls,
Your name
Revives my cold veins
With a soft pain


10 MAY 2019 AT 22:18

That moonless night of
destitution unveiled
broken crystals
in her dreamy eyes
Melting the oceans into
rivulets of desperation,
Flooding the desserts

To mute the tempest,those
Darkened nights hugged
the breeze of heavens


5 MAR 2019 AT 17:30

I was a Wanderer in the wilderness of woods
In quest of knowledge, Almighty endowed you

Burned with ignorance ,faded with fumes
Yet beneath the ashes you drizzled, sprouting my new roots

Shielded me as a moth in a cocoon
Rendered me wings to touch the moon


1 MAR 2019 AT 17:40

Somewhere on the earth
Some Bleeding minds are engraving
The tales of their agony
With no traces of bruises
Drenched by the atrocious clouds
Their blind gallant eyes are craving
From aeons for those warm rays of sun
That never reaches to them
Through dead air quiescence...


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