Maruti Harakantra  
120 Followers · 75 Following

Stoic in order to be Epicurean
Joined 17 December 2017

Stoic in order to be Epicurean
Joined 17 December 2017
18 APR AT 15:39

Man is what he refuses to be constrained by


15 APR AT 18:07

khud ke liye bacha ke rakho


15 APR AT 17:28

Familiarity makes luxury seem ludicrous


12 APR AT 20:22

Happiness=>Tenable value system and placing yourself in compatible context


10 APR AT 21:31

Dual value system as an antidote to nihilism
Contemporary value system in the foreground
Individual value system in the background


9 APR AT 15:22

Instincts are like sexual arousal
You are no more interested in it
Once the need is met
A value system based on instincts
Is unfulfilling for the same reason


9 APR AT 15:05

There ain't any pride in showing off material wealth
When everyone else is as affluent as you are
Man turns to different prestige game
When such is the case


9 APR AT 15:01

Unconsciously subscribed contemporary nihilistic value system may be the cause of depression in many


8 APR AT 13:19

She: Why aren't you emotional about serious things
He: I thought we had an option with regards to emotions and seriousness


8 APR AT 1:41

Harken thee Body
Get it's permission
Whenever you want to exceed its limitations


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