Manisha Chauhan   (Manisha Chauhan)
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Joined 13 May 2018
11 JUL 2023 AT 20:48

Never trust a one sided story.

You dont know the layers they add to events
that were merely a straight line,
Twisting the endings and the beginnings
in their own way.
Adding unnecessary adjacents
to what was once parallel,
Creating a connection between something
that wasn't even there.

Be very careful
When you hear a one sided story.
The teller ain't an amateur.
For they've written such tales
for years and have gotten away.


23 MAY 2023 AT 22:32

A beautiful evening according to me?

A stormy evening,
Hands on hands
As we sit at the back
Of the autorickshaw
On the way to have chai
From our go-to tapri
Water dripping from the shed
As we scoot in a corner
Sitting on wet footrests
Protecting ourselves from the pouring rain
Bhaad in our hands
Gulping hot chai at one go
Before the droplets fall in it
Laughing, talking, taking it all in
Some serious discussions
Basically "chai pe charcha"
A snack to complete the evening
Or to feed the starving stomach
Which always happens to be mine
So i no longer stay mad at him
Smart him! Huhh
A beautiful evening, indeed!
The one that ends with
Hands on hands
As we head back home
Our respective homes, to be clear *chuckles*


17 MAY 2023 AT 21:55

She wrapped all the memories in a bag
Certain about returning each of those things
There was absolutely no reason to hold onto them
She didn't even know if they meant something

The restlessness feeling is all that she has
Now, the chaotic and unsettled feelings aren't alone
Crawling to find peace, when she once ran with love
Hopes and trust were all gone

Turning to Him, she asked again,
Give me an answer like you always do
Any sign, any hint, to believe it's all true
And that's when he came in the morning
knocking through

That disturbing feeling was what she had
In the morning, noon, evening and at midnight
She couldn't believe her ears, her ground slipped
And this time, she didn't even try to hold it tight

It's all okay, alright, fine, she said to herself
One day, all of this will get over soon
Her bones breaking every once in a while
But she was still alright
She is the Sun, that's going to rise up again soon.


17 MAY 2023 AT 21:49

The unsettling feeling was all that she had
It was all that she was left with
"Just how could they say that"?, she thought
When none knew the actual truth behind it

The chaotic mind was what she had
It took over her entire being
Her mind racing faster than light in the universe
She wished it was all just a dream

That she didn't really hear what she did
Those words aren't true at all
And the feelings, the memories she had were honest
She liked to believe that as she recalled

The first time she was there
The warmth she felt, brought her tears
That laughter, those jokes, the joy and sorrow
The moments she shared, when everything disappeared

Into nothingness, a black pit
Like the black hole swallowing it all
The faith she had, the words she heard
Was now just a black mural hung on her wall


10 MAY 2023 AT 11:01

Leave him be, if there's so much hate
Let him live, before it's too late
To all those men, who are drowning deep
To all those men, who take the leap
Of faith, with hope and belief
That love will conquer all the demons
And all the insecurities
And to all those men, I apologise
On behalf of those who simply lie
About every little thing they say,
hear, do, enact, behave,
Save yourselves, you keep moving on
Because she's NEVER gonna admit it
That she's in the wrong.


10 MAY 2023 AT 10:57

To those men
Who silently suffer
Because the world paints them as monsters
Because the women alleges that he is
And that he treats her like a mistress
Whereas, he fights with the world everyday
Even his family thinks, he's insane
He's the one who's always at fault
Because he speaks up when he sees it all
Behind his back all that you do
All the stories thatbyou make up
All the drama that you brew
His flowers and love you take for granted
His words and emotions you play like toys
When he cries, he's not a man
But when he's assertive, he's just a bratty boy
Pick a lane, girl, you ain't a saint
Leave him be, if there's so much hate
Let him live, before it's too late.


10 MAY 2023 AT 10:52

To the men
Who suffer
Suffer from women's manipulations
Tangled in the games of "he said" "she said"
Buried under piles of miscommunications
Who listen and wait and patiently take
All the blames on them
Who fight for one against the whole world
Just to hear ''so what, I don't give a damn!''
Who send flowers and chocolates
Stuff toys and love
Go out of their ways
Just to patch things up
Who stay quite when she lies
On his face multiple times
And when he does question
She says it's an attack at her reputation
She lies and cheats
When he abuses she screams
"I'm being tortured", she claims
Then she goes off to lie again.


10 MAY 2023 AT 10:48

To the men
Who abuse and hit
Who treat their women like shit
Who torture them endlessly
Both, mentally and emotionally
Who cheat, hide and ruin their lives
Who can't be trusted if out of sight
Who scream and shout
And have absolutely no bounds
To steep down low
So low, the devil says "Hi!"
The devil that's inside of them
In their heart, soul and mind.


28 JAN 2023 AT 21:21

It's okay.....

It's okay to care about people
even if they don't.
I give up being someone I'm not
because someone else isn't how
they promised to be.


10 JAN 2023 AT 19:35

Well, I still waited for you till 11 o'clock
And was still waiting till 11:30
You promised me you would show up but
All your promises were false and dirty

Not a single memory of my 21st I have
Don't even remember what dress I wore
Not a single picture taken, don't remember the cake
The only memory is that my heart was sore


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