Laiba Tariq   (An unseen truth)
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Joined 23 January 2018

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Joined 23 January 2018
30 JAN 2022 AT 3:46

But my eyes are waiting for you. — % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:42

My heart is calling you. My whole world is falling apart.— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:41

Oh the king of kings! My little heart is nothing in front of you. Take it and let it forget everything but you and make it yours. Only yours. Remove every kind of hypocrisy from it. Tell it you're greater than anything that comes in its way. Let me become dust in your path. Let me not get astrayed. I'm insane and unthankful. Hold me back everytime I recede from your path. I'm waiting to meet you. Prepare me well, please Ya ALLAH! I ask nothing but ease; ease to go through this long wait. Am I not dear to you? Please?
— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:39

اپنے ہی آنسو پینے کو کہتے ہیں
لوگ مجھے جینے کو کہتے ہیں

— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:38

تیری یاد کے سائے تلے سوئے ہوۓ
ایک اور شام، تیرے نام ڈھل گئی
— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:37

اسکے چہرے پر ہی غدّار لکھا تھا
دل میں مگر اس کو یار لکھا تھا — % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:35

Tears flow very silently whenever my heart utters your name. My existance is sinking down into the void you left within me. I'm dying very terribly, very silently. — % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:32

I whisper your name and get drowned.— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:30

The grief of a missed prayer is unspeakable. I feel like I'm a criminal. I stealed the honesty from my bond with my friend. I wonder how I will face Allah swt in the next salah. How will I tell my best friend that I just forgot Him for a while, knowing the fact He was waiting there for me for all that time. He was there and I was sleeping or just lost in my affairs. Ya ALLAH! Please forgive me and don't be angry at me. If you won't talk to me, then who will? I've only you, don't you remember? Aren't you my best friend? I'm sorry. Won't you forgive me?— % &


30 JAN 2022 AT 3:26

In a world full of best friends and soulmates, Ya Allah! You're my everything.— % &


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