11 OCT 2017 AT 19:17

As I part ways with you today, the only picture that I'd take away with me would be of you hopping into a bus and grinning ear-to-ear on having found an empty seat. It's bizarre, because I've had so many better ones and so many bitter ones. But I'll take this one with me and keep it forever. Not our aimless rounds of Delhi, not my palm on your head, not the moment we kissed and not the abuse we coped. But this - you, smiling, your teeth sparking through the window pane and the two moles complementing them. I was sad to see that you had become oblivious to my presence after getting on that bus. I was still there waiting to wave a goodbye. You didn't turn around. I didn't get my goodbye. I won't get my goodbye.

- A heart penned down