Ishika Jain   (Ishika)
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In the process of becoming a writer...
Joined 27 April 2017

In the process of becoming a writer...
Joined 27 April 2017
24 DEC 2021 AT 23:44

ख्वाबों से निकल, तुमसे हकीकत में मिलना है
इन गैर गलियों को छोड़, मुझे अपने घर पहुँचना है|


28 AUG 2020 AT 20:21

After a bad experience, the value of good experience increases even more. So who says, bad experiences always lead to destruction?
Because after that destruction, more valuable good experiences are coming your way making you more grateful for them.


15 JUL 2020 AT 23:10

कहने को, आसमान है एक सा
मगर दिखता सबको अलग है
किसी को वो उड़ते पंछी दिखते है
तो किसी को किरणों की तपती गर्मी
किसी को बादल यूही फ़िके फ़िके लगते है
तो किसी का तसव्वुर बादल बयां करते है
किसी के लिए आसमान उजड़ी हुई छत है
तो किसी के लिए बस एक ये ही छत है
किसी के लिए ये नीला तो किसी के लिए नारंगी है
मगर आसमान है एक सा ही
वो बस दिखता सबको अलग है।


15 JUL 2020 AT 23:08

I crave for his touch
At the same time, I fear from his touch
His rousing personality entice me into his body
But my past instances become a wall between him and me
Those flashback glimpses still haunt me day and night
That once forceful touch still wreck my soul into pieces
My eyes well up and again I become distant from the world
I want him to hold me tight, let his fingers touch every inch of mine
Feel his warmth through that intense long kiss
Get engrossed in his embrace forgetting the world and the past behind
But that incident still messes up with my mind
Making me afraid of being touched by what's mine
I crave for his touch
Yet at the same time, I fear from his touch


1 JUL 2020 AT 15:47

A letter from a dreamer to every employee


15 JUN 2020 AT 16:05

Imagination: A Short Film of Dead End


14 JUN 2020 AT 23:13

ऐ दिल, बहुत दिन हुए तुमसे गुफ्तगू करे
आज आखिर मैने वक्त निकाल ही लिया
सोचा तुम्हारा हाल-चाल जानू
कुछ अपनी कहू कुछ तुम्हारी सुनू
जानती हूँ, डरते हो तुम भी
चाहे जितना इन्कार कर लो
अखबारों में दर्दनाक ख़बरें पढ़
पल पल‌ मरते हो तुम‌ भी
ये ज़िंदगी का सफ़र भी अजीब निराला है
जितना सुख है उतना ही दुख भोग के जाना है
हाँ, कभी कभी दुख का पलड़ा भारी भी होगा
मगर याद रखना, सुख हमेशा दरवाज़े के उस पार ही होगा
कोई मुश्किल, कोई हालात तुमसे बड़े नहीं
ये धड़कने बहुत कीमती हैं
इन्हें यूही गवाना हरगिज़ मंज़ूर नहीं।


14 JUN 2020 AT 23:07

दर्द सम्भाल के रखा दिल में इतना
कि दिल ने धड़कन ही कुरबां करदी।


2 JUN 2020 AT 1:56

The Tyranny of Migration


31 MAY 2020 AT 22:57

To the girl I bullied in school,

Hi! I don’t know from where to start this letter as you wouldn’t have expected a letter from me. I wonder how you look these days. It’s been almost 5 years since I last saw you. I remember those school days, I remember you. I do think of you sometimes as how you are doing these days, what career option did you choose and have you surpassed that terrible phase of yours.


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