Keshab Panthi   (Drunk & Confused.)
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17 FEB 2018 AT 1:14

"Sex and Rape"

'SEX' takes the consent of two.
If one person is lying there doing nothing,
cause they are not ready, or not in the mood,
Simply don't want to, yet the other is having sex with their body.
Thats not call making love.
That's called RAPE.


19 MAR 2020 AT 17:07


i am a gray sky and you make me realise that even gray skys are beautiful. every time we talk about stupid things, i realise that i can still be a child in front of you. someone who would be happy if you draw for me even stick figures. someone who would be happy to leave our sophisticated dancing shoes outside and dance like the world was ending tomorrow. everytime that i hear you sing, i end up finding my new favourite song. it's you. always you .i don't think of the future so much because every time that i plan something, it never pans out that way. but with you, i don't care. no dream seen with you would ever feel like a regret. before i met you, i had this definition of the perfect kind of love. you made me realise that all these definitions, they never matter. you aren't perfect. and i no longer want perfect. i want the good days. i want the bad days too. because without the bad, how could we ever appreciate the good? and also, because i can't see a life without your lame jokes in it. and the best thing. you make me happy about the smallest things.but you know what,
at the end of it all, i can't.i can't put into words why i smile every time that i hear your voice.


18 MAR 2020 AT 6:59


He always said change is good, untill he saw the change in her.


17 MAR 2020 AT 7:53


My metaphors can hold you but I can't.


16 MAR 2020 AT 10:46


I headed towards you by the map formed from the lines of my palm, only to realize that I held it upside down.


15 MAR 2020 AT 18:38


He misses his everyday breakfast to catch the same bus she travels in everyday.


15 MAR 2020 AT 18:36


Isn't it ironic.How people turn their best memories spent together into,the worst ones to remember.


11 FEB 2020 AT 18:51

All i know at this point,
Nothing seems to be getting better.
Every little thing seems to be more tiring then the day before.
It's hard to wake up and not find you here with me,these nights go empty.
Nothing seems to be growing,
physically and mentally tiring,
The old same schedule making it boring.
Every song that I play seems to remind me of you, and things are not how it was used to be.
Because this heart aches to see how distant we have grown.


6 FEB 2020 AT 9:38

To be not able to sleep is some another kind of pain,
To lay there with hundreds of thoughts consuming every bit of your mind,
With every passing moment, you lay there awake, tossing and turning struggling, not being able to find that peace, while those memories comes in packages, hitting you hard from your reality.
To sit there being numb yet being on the verge of breaking down.


13 AUG 2019 AT 10:07

All i ever wish is,
Maybe somewhere in a place or maybe somewhere in a parallel universe;
Where we fall in love with one another,
And no matter how far we reach out,
Words like 'fate', 'future' and 'destiny'
Would be out of reach.


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