Good Bye   (Raj)
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Joined 12 October 2020

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Joined 12 October 2020

In the realm where true love reigns supreme,
It fosters compassion, like a nurturing stream.
Fearlessness it imparts, a strength to uphold,
Through life's tumultuous tales, brave and bold.

Yet when love's whispers turn sinister and bleak,
Bidding farewell to self-respect, so meek,
When righteousness falters, and wrong takes the throne,
Love's guise crumbles, its essence not shown.

For love, though revered, cannot justify wrong,
It cannot condone deeds where virtues don't belong.
To forsake one's honor, to bow to deceit,
Is to tarnish love's essence, to face its defeat.

So let not love's allure cloud judgment's keen sight,
For true love stands firm in truth's guiding light.
Feelings may linger, a relentless tide,
But to betray one's values, one cannot abide.

It's better to stand, steadfast and true,
Than to falter and fall, to a love untrue.
For in the end, when the shadows fade,
It's honor and virtue that never degrade.


4 MAY AT 18:40

In the waning light of autumn's embrace,
The tree stands tall, in a quiet grace.
Its leaves may fall, its branches bend,
Yet in its heart, hope does not end.

For it knows, in the depth of its core,
That love will bloom, like never before.
With every frost, with every chill,
Comes the promise of spring, tranquil and still.

Through the barren days, it holds on tight,
To dreams of blossoms, in the morning light.
For it knows that love, in its gentle way,
Will bring forth life, come what may.

So let the seasons pass, let the winds blow,
For in the end, love will surely grow.
With the touch of spring, so tender and fair,
The tree will bloom, beyond compare.


4 MAY AT 15:59

In your eyes, I find my endless flight,
Lost in their depths, my guiding light.

With every breath, our love takes flight,
In the dance of stars, through the night.

Wrapped in your arms, I find my home,
In your embrace, I'll never roam.

As the moon whispers secrets, sweet and true,
Our love shines bright, in the midnight blue.


4 MAY AT 15:24

In the heart's embrace,
our love finds its cue,
Every beat echoes,
"O love, I belong to you."


4 MAY AT 15:15

In realms above, where heavens meet,
The sky beheld the earth so sweet.
But words escaped, the sky's embrace,
A love unspoken, a silent grace.

Then came a cloud, a friend so true,
To carry messages, to Earth imbue.
For love's own sake, the cloud did soar,
To whisper secrets, the sky's adore.

As raindrops fell upon the ground,
Earth felt love's touch, in whispers found.
A dance of droplets, a tender plea,
From cloud to earth, a symphony.

Moved by the rain, the earth did see,
The love of cloud, so pure and free.
In gentle whispers, love was crowned,
As earth proposed, in love profound.

Thus, in the triangle of sky, cloud, and earth,
A love story bloomed, of endless worth.
For when hearts align, in skies above,
Even clouds find solace, in earthly love.


4 MAY AT 10:17

But I'm not.

In moments heavy with bittersweet sighs,
I bid adieu, as gentle whispers cry.
For when my presence brings but hurt and pain,
It's time to part, to let the healing rain.

When others falter, troubled by my stay,
It's wise to step aside, let light find way.
In realms devoid of solace, peace denied,
I bid you farewell, with love undenied.

With gratitude for all we once did share,
I bid goodbye, with hopes of solace rare.


4 MAY AT 9:22

In nature's embrace, worries fade away,
As I nestle in its arms, I find solace to stay.
Its melodies, a symphony to my soul's delight,
Each note a whisper, calming the night.

The air, so crisp, fills my lungs with love,
Each breath a reminder of blessings from above.
Beauty surrounds, in every flower and tree,
A canvas of wonder, for all to see.

In nature's embrace, I find my peace,
A sanctuary where all troubles cease.
Its love, a balm for my weary heart,
In its embrace, I find a brand new start.


4 MAY AT 7:41

it was moonless night,
She secretly came to meet me, beyond the world's sight.
No glimmer, no glow, just a vast, starry sea,
Yet in that void, her essence beckoned to me.

Beneath the cloak of midnight, we shared our silent vow,
In the absence of her light, we found our way somehow.
No crescent, no beam, just the beat of our hearts,
As we whispered our love in the language of the stars.

In the depth of the night, where shadows reign supreme,
We basked in the beauty of an unseen moonbeam.
For in the darkness, our love found its birth,
A union of souls, bound to the earth.

Oh, moon, in your absence, our love did bloom,
In the no moon night, our hearts found room.
Together we'll wander, hand in hand, through the night,
Bound by love's eternal, in the absence of light.


3 MAY AT 23:46

Calling my lover "love,"
a melody so sweet,
In each whispered syllable,
our hearts meet.


3 MAY AT 23:44

In the realm of my heart, her love finds its throne,
Each beat echoes her name, mine alone.
Her presence, a symphony, in every thought,
In her love's embrace, my soul is caught.

Awaiting the moment to converse, to share,
Every word she utters, a melody rare.
Her feelings, a torrent, engulfing me whole,
In her love's ocean, I find my soul.

Her reply, a radiant dawn, painting skies with grace,
Each word a tender kiss, upon my face.
Her expressions, like stars, adorn the night,
Guiding me through darkness with their light.

Yet, amidst love's splendor, came a sorrowful cry,
A message of farewell, a tear in my eye.
To see her bid adieu, a dagger in my chest,
Forever bye, a painful unrest.

But though she's gone, her love still lingers near,
In memories cherished, she'll always appear.
For love's farewell may break the heart's sigh,
But in its echo, love shall never truly die.


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