5 FEB 2022 AT 14:07

Life is the most amazing gift that you can ever have, when you realize how to live it. Life is precious and a gift from God, that is why it's called the gift of life.
But most people fail to understand life as a gift and therefore struggle a lot in their journey in life because they didn't understand it, they just opened their eyes and saw people walking around and decided to walk through life so ignorantly that they didn't ask questions about what kind of gift they have. So when the storms of life comes up against them in the future, they cry, complain and have no clue on what to do about the challenges that life presents them.
Don't be like that, don't live your life without knowledge, you need to be enlightened about who you are, what you are and why you are here. Don't let negative people tell you that nothing good can come out of you, don't let them tell you that you can't make any changes to status quo if need be, don't let them cut short your greatness because of their own failures.
You are different, you are unique, you have your own destiny to rule and to fulfill, there is a story of you that must be told to inspire others, to challenge others to do better.
