दिनेश के.एम. शॉ   (दिनेश)
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Joined 10 June 2018

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Joined 10 June 2018

मानेंगे वही जो जानेंगे
जानेंगे वही जो पहचानेंगे

जानने-पहचानने से सिलसिला आगे बढ़ता है |


ज़िन्दगी जोर से गरजी जब मैं अ'शांत था
वापस बरसी जब तन शांत रण शांत था


Dear Contractor

You wear branded items. You ride in a luxury car. And you use cheap materials to wear me up.

Sir, I know you charge not a small amount to put me on but you keep me away from the best instead...

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I remember the days we’d play together. Laughter, happiness used to circle around. Those school days I really sometimes miss.

Hide and seek, football and cricket match and...

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Dear Amma Mahagauri

“Beauty is bounty.”

“Beauty is beauty, no doubt but inner beauty is foremost that glows more like the full moon after deep dark nights,” I feel too. And you're abode of it with full of grace and blessings.

Amma, you created this whole universe that is lively, everyday it brings something new, something unique, that is amazing, incredible. Enormous peace and joy. We feel blessed under your umbrella.

It's a sayings, “If you point out one finger towards any, the other fingers indicate you.”

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Dear Amma Kalratri

People especially women need indomitable courage to fight for themselves or for sack of the poor of this era. And you're a true idol, hope, for us.

You're the ruler of night too. Every night you provide deep rest to all living beings in your abode. Our gratitude towards you Amma.

“We need strength, knowledge and courage, without it at the same time, nothing be possible.”

The world is full of crime, we really need you here...

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Dear Amma Katyayani

Your daughters of this new era are true warriors. They fail, rise, attempt, fail (if) and eventually achieve goals, succeed.

“Women are known for beauty at one side but they get overlook as a fighter by the society on another side.” But at the same time they worship you as a warrior, as a savior. A reality of this universe!

“Failure is the first step of success lag but attempting can reach one to their destination,” I believe in.

Many of Shaktis have shown their potentiality to the world. Afterwards, people have started recognizing them, regarding them.

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Dear Amma Skandmata

You are only the creator and the destroyer of demon like Tarkasur inside us. As you know, mind keeps a reign of all five senses. To devastate them you grant all elements even to the illiterate one.

Now I feel the world needs you. Because I see people are collecting garbages in their mind and throw them out on pure, pious, placate.

“A war must not go on. It has to stop by any means.”

I know it leads to salvation but if the power, conferred by you, can be utilized with skills, wisdom and intellect they can attain the ultimate salvation by grace and blessings from you.

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Dear Amma Kushmunda

Thank you so much for creating this beautiful world with your tremendous amount of energy, Prana. And we're very grateful too to bestow us the food, one of the Prana-Shakti.

It's a human nature nowadays, people take things as granted. They don't give importance when they are around but at misery, they regret.

You create people with wealth and power. Those who have abundance, demand more and more. They get stuck due to greediness.

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Dear Amma Chandraghanta

The world is full of chaos now. Everyday we see, we hear women are being raped, girls become the victim of acid attack and even the kids are not spared by, they brutally are being raped, killed.

Human Trafficking is Social issue nowadays. Wherever we move our eyes we see the culprit or victim of it. What kind of addiction they bear in mind I actually don't even imagine of.

And our society with low-minded people say, “Women are for pleasure. It's Skin for us. They get birth to serve men. They don't have right for education, to stand alone.”

But somewhat I'm happy...

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