Dinesh Balakumar   (™M®.capt!va)
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Joined 16 May 2017

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Joined 16 May 2017
26 OCT 2023 AT 3:48

Getting back to "Ek Villain".
This part of the Hamdard song
where she sees Guru
praying for her to be fine and good.

Gives chills even after almost a decade ago.


18 SEP 2023 AT 0:50

A smile picks the man from sorrow to Happiness,
Her smile, before I could realize
it spread all over me.
"Like what?"
Like an avatar who just visited to shower blessings.
The smile became a resident of my heart
which turned my attention to her even when
we are watching a movie together in a zoom call.


2 AUG 2023 AT 20:23

Did we change?

The fact that when someone tells me
how to not spend my money much and
me replying back to that is ARROGANCE.
While the actual ARROGANCE is
telling others how to not spend their
own freakin money.


20 JUL 2023 AT 5:05

Everytime my heart beats faster
Road to recovery was you,
Maybe it was you in my arms
that got my heart beating faster.
You're the cause, you're the cure.


20 JUL 2023 AT 4:53

This generation is an OPPORTUNIST.
I define it as the golden opportunity.
You have a chance to live life rectifying
the mistakes of your parents' generation.

It's how you make use of it. Dang.!


31 MAR 2023 AT 4:04

Bonds are cheeky af.
You be discussing with your parents and
best friends on how your luck has been
shit whole life expecting one to be
serious giving you an advice
and the other to be laughing at us both
and we make a living out of it
And what's best is,


21 MAR 2023 AT 7:33

It still breaks my heart that
I decided to not give up but she
couldn't resist herself on giving up,
even after us being the reflection
of each other and pinnacle of TRUST.


13 MAR 2023 AT 9:02

She kept improving herself for him,
He made sure he makes her
smile in every chance he gets,
It felt like god was in a mood to do a giveaway,
he created this story having a point that,
they just needed each others'
presence to make it to 100% but
the efforts of each other made it to a huge 1010%


25 DEC 2022 AT 2:50

It doesn't rain
but pours in Manchester they say,
This love doesnt kill but swamp,
Which is enough to make you fall in love
to a point of no return....💙


27 NOV 2022 AT 10:25

I always tangle my emotions,
A hope that drags me,
A light that clinches,
Like a hurricane bur stealthily
Suffer in his grab,
Girl I wonder he's definitely
My escape route or else
I would be dead, was no more than a corpse walking,
Filthy in everything I do.


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