8 JUL 2018 AT 9:16

Dear big brother,
They got it complicated and never got to the real and actual dilemma within me. The thing which comforts me is the feeling of a man behind me who would fight for me and if not, at least help me understand certain aspects of life.
You ensured a fatherly advise each and every time I decided for a wrong step, but in a smart way, to ensure I never went against you. What a talent to keep as a big brother. Situations, complexities, problems, disputes, fights, and many more could have been worse had it not been the calm head which can manipulate and convince me.
You and me are from the same generation, same mindset, and same surroundings- negating the generation gap- a case between parents and their children.
I want you to cheer for your life and ahead and as soon as I become wise and honest with life, I would definitely try to help you out when you need it. Cheers and thanks.
Yours truly
Novice brother

- Avik Sengupta