Arul Asir ย 
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Joined 13 November 2017

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Joined 13 November 2017
13 APR AT 22:54

Every pulse beat is a sign of living marvel within us.


13 APR AT 21:31

Darkend souls played a game of fame
To haunt the good, agony proclaimed
With lies swron and kindess defamed
They were puppets play in devils clave.


12 APR AT 21:26

From the ashes of vengeance
Rises a warrior
Inexorable and fatal
Defiant towards adversaries
Allegiant over his pledge
Yowled toward his swroned rivals.


10 APR AT 21:13

A Dependency within cycle of life we live,
and what we love that transforms
Everything when it's attained.


8 APR AT 21:37

Filled with happiness
That drained towards
The wilderness.


7 APR AT 20:53

Patience is a virtue, value it with the silence you observe within the challenges you face.


7 APR AT 20:44

Build upon equality,
a healthier society
starts it's voyage
towards excellence.


7 APR AT 19:46

Resilance is much more rewarded than patience and embraced with harmony.


1 APR AT 20:51

Lost motivation ,
Lost courage,
Like a empty page,
Feel nothing as days go buy
As everyone seems
To be moving towards something
That something seems to be meaningless, yet they smile and wear a happy mask coz they are not interseted to be seen crying.
Well no one ever asks for this yet they are pushed to this loop all over again.


29 MAR AT 22:50

People say all the good things in gatherings but never reveal them in the rest of their lifetime To the ones who really needs it.


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