ANNI SINGH   (Zilch)
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Joined 30 December 2017
20 MAY 2021 AT 22:07

Me ! Me isn't me anymore.

The liveliness once I was filled with
has flown away so far.
I certainly am carrying amiability,
But the Attachment, now isn't the thing I seek for.

Well I'm breathing quite well,
My braincells too are working really fine.
Because the Chaosm
never knocks amid six to nine .

The night isn't lonely though
Nor it's scary , now It
Just has lost the peace it used to carry.

Torned between two
I eat, I work, I learn, I laugh.
Mirth accompanying Body ,constantly moves
Soul turns out to be the one who often confronts the other half (sorrow).


10 JAN 2021 AT 11:55

While she was falling in love with him a little more with each passing day , He was struggling with his own self for how to break-up with her...


30 NOV 2020 AT 12:18

बहोत भारीपन है माजिं से तालुकातों की गठरी मे !
अरसा बीत गया वज़न में गिरावट नहीं आई ।


24 NOV 2020 AT 14:34

मोहब्त मरी तो नहीं है,
मगर कहीं खो जरूर गई है।।


14 OCT 2020 AT 19:41

यूँ तन्हाई के आलम में वो और तन्हा होती चली गई,
सूरज ढलता गया , रात आती गई , यादों का चादर बना वो उसमे लिपट के सोती चली गई ।
हाथ पकड़े बैठे हुए कँधे पर सिर रख सो जाना ,
नींद में हाथों की पकड़ का हल्का हो जाना,
घण्टों मिलने और बातें करने के इन्तेजार में बैठे रहना और मिलते ही लफ़्ज़ों का अलविदा हो जाना ।
वो एहसास कर ही ना सका कभी इस बात का के हाथों की पकड़ के साथ यकीन की डोर भी हल्की होती चली गई ,
वो उससे दूर भीड़ में कहि खोती चली गई, और
कुछ इस कदर वो दूर बहोत दूर होती चली गई।।


26 SEP 2020 AT 22:30

महज़ चन्द बातों जितना ही था अपना इश्क़ !
बातों के दरमियां लम्हे कम होते गये ,
लम्हों के साथ बातें कम होती गई और
बातों के साथ इश्क़ ।।


28 DEC 2020 AT 21:01

दोस्ती का सलीका हमसे सीख मोहब्बत वो हमें सीखा गए,
हमसे दोस्ती के दावे कर वो हमारे दुश्मन से आशिक़ी निभा गए।


31 JUL 2020 AT 12:34

【Bygone Pages】

I searched the diary,
Even looked in the drawer.
"How can someone be so heedless " ?
I roar.
"I'll compose them again", I said
And everything will be fine.
Instantly the heart sighs, Coz
those were the earliest poems of mine.

Then this idea popped ,
"Hey why don't I check my siblings' bags "
After a minute I realized ,
Their stuff is already transformed into rags.
Now, am running and running you see ,
To find those bygone pages of me.

Panting I stop then take a deep breathe,
Sitting before the window
Am trying myself to ease.
Be seated I pensive
A tree against the home,
Few old leaves are still on it
While the most(leaves) are gone.

I notice how the leaves be fallen
And how the stem be rise?
Wondering this I turned, and
Mirror is caught by my eyes.
I ask myself why I left those poems incomplete ,
Now when I can't find them ,
Who it is am trying to compete?

Gone are those thoughts with the pages
And gone is that glee,
But like those few left old leaves
I too can find those bygone pages within me...

- Zilch


16 JUL 2020 AT 15:24

तो शायद आंक पाओ जख्मों को ,
दूर से तो तुमने भी बस हँसी है देखी है।।


13 JUL 2020 AT 22:29

Jane Austen quoted " There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense. "
Day by day it's making more and more sense...


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