27 MAR 2018 AT 16:35

Tis Time to Bid Adieu!

A moment when memories are stuck on replay
A torment to remember each and every day
The rain of tears will become a wild storm
When I have to bid you farewell!

Your chapter in my life has come to a close
With pastures new and dreams anew
You flap your wings to greater heights
A distance so far to create a deafening silence!

With occasional struggles and experience incomparable
You have conquered and won our hearts and minds
It's a parting for a new direction and
I bid adieu to these innumerable minds

Time is a cruel master whose slave we appear to be
Its harsh I know, it would rip your heart and bleed you raw
You are gems who will carve a hole in my heart
As I remember the times we spent together!

I’ll say goodbye to the stars that dot the night
and to the moon that floods the dark with light.
I’ll breathe goodbye to the sun at its great height
and so to the clouds that range from black to white!

But saying goodbye to you will be the hardest
Perhaps one day we will meet again
Until then, live your life to the fullest
Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays!

- Anju Devadas