Anish Gardas ย  (Anish gardas (w***e))
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Joined 22 October 2017

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Joined 22 October 2017
11 APR AT 18:12

In solitude, thoughts gain their might,
Loneliness, in silence, takes flight.
Each quiet hour, a chance to find,
The depths of self, the peace of mind.

Embrace the silence, let it unfold,
In its arms, truths are told.
For loneliness, when faced with grace,
Becomes solitude, a sacred place.


6 APR AT 13:10

Life is big, vast, endless, and what's coursing through you now is no different than what was coursing through you back then. It's all about who you are can transcend who you were if you let it.


5 APR AT 1:38

Indeed, life is like a maze,
Full of twists and turns, it plays.
Each path a choice, each corner a test,
Navigating through its depths, we quest.

Sometimes we stumble, sometimes we find,
The way forward, the path aligned.
Yet in the maze, we learn and grow,
Embracing the journey, come high or low.

So step by step, we journey on,
Through the maze of life, until it's gone.
With courage in our hearts, and hope our guide,
We navigate the maze, side by side.


11 MAR AT 12:18

Human relationships, sweet as sugar at the start,
As time unfolds, akin to a changing season's art.
Is it the way we're built or accepting the change,
As seasons shift, and humans rearrange?

Trust, a scarce commodity, in this human kingdom,
Emotions fossilized, a relic for generations to come.
Relationships, like extinct species, fading away,
In the ever-evolving dance of life's grand display.


7 MAR AT 2:53

Walked together, shadows grew,
Changed inside, a person new.
In the dark, trust lost its light,
Once believed, now out of sight.

Footprints fade, a tale untold,
Hearts that trusted, now grown cold.


6 MAR AT 3:54

In life's grand stage, where dreams and thoughts play,
Daydreams dance in sunlight, while nightmares hold sway.
Love and pain, woven into time's thread,
A simple cosmic story, where emotions are spread.


30 JAN AT 23:44

In the dance of hearts, a tale unfolds,
Love's embrace, a story untold.
An addiction sweet, a flame that burns,
In every beat, the soul discerns.

No rival to love's sweet hold,
A drug divine, more precious than gold.
In every glance, a euphoric spell,
A potent elixir, where emotions swell.

No need for potions, no need to chase,
Love's the best addiction, a tender grace.
A symphony of feelings, an endless song,
In this addiction, hearts belong.


30 JAN AT 23:31

In the simplicity of mutual love, where a man and a woman adore each other, the sweet aroma speaks, acknowledging that love itself is an addiction, rendering the pursuit of harmful drugs unnecessary, as they find fulfillment in cherishing the beauty within each other.


19 JAN AT 19:51

Eyes look, but the mind reveals,
Thoughts unfold, like turning wheels.

In a simple gaze, a story's told,
Mind and eyes, their secrets hold.

Colors of understanding paint the view,
Wisdom reflected in the eyes so true.

A quiet agreement, a shared connection,
Eyes echo what the mind's reflection.

In every look, a story flows,
Eyes see what the mind already knows.


10 JAN AT 13:21

Once, they shared time, a gift so sweet,
But now, life's rush, paths do greet.

Moments passed, a river's gentle flow,
Yet, now, in different winds, they go.

Reasons unknown, changes unknown,
Time slipped away, like seeds unsown.

In the heart's book, a bittersweet line,
For those who once gave time so fine.

Life's dance, a puzzle we try to see,
Yet, in memories, they're still with me.

Time's given, sometimes slips away,
In the album of friends, a memory will stay.


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