Drew Lines   (BP .x.)
1.6k Followers · 146 Following

Get lost on your own..you find alot more
Joined 7 December 2017

Get lost on your own..you find alot more
Joined 7 December 2017
13 OCT 2023 AT 21:42

The witching hour


13 JAN 2023 AT 23:29

The journeyman and me


13 JAN 2023 AT 23:23

A Dylan visit


13 JAN 2023 AT 23:21

Broken clocks and cracked agendas


13 JAN 2023 AT 23:19

I met you


8 NOV 2022 AT 0:09

The servant I am, willing and proud
To love him and work for all those in need
Not greedy like pigeons that peck at the scraps
But wholesome, are those holy with script as a map
To lay down like bedding of white, welcoming me.
Pure and untouched so freshly baptised in his name
With Tattoos of ink on my heart for all to see
And on my knees I pray like a wolf to the midnight
The Moon and the stars watch me like kings of the past
For no more will I be afraid to ask
Or be afraid to give thanks to my creator
A blessing of life like rubies and golden goblets
That I shall forever drink the worthy offerings
And be a rich man for I found the treasure of faith
And in his arms I will always remain ...



4 NOV 2022 AT 2:48

How quickly my jealous lips embrace yours
Like jesters dancing gayly at the banquet
Young blood so delicate as rose petals
Tasteful and playful amongst the garden
As many guests like cards to choose
My hand, young blood does play to lose
Then Across a room eyes do meet mine
Stare tenderly on chorus beat
And walk as cowboys in dueling light
Love comes heavy as if to fight
These two stars cross a galaxy wide
To lay in arms of heavens pride
How music noted and the night complexed
A path so godly cherubs wept aloud
Oh how must I say goodnight to my heart
For when I met you at the dance tonight
More than just a kiss was stolen here
But the aches of limbs and organs mine
Lay waiting, patient for the next time.


3 NOV 2022 AT 21:12

Informed to climb mountains that god does meet
Lost in light but darkness calls from in me
Tripping desperately for this slays words
Takes minds like morning to the hills
And creeps slowly under cover of night
Breaking blankets of stars that lay unseen
Like kissing goodnight to lovers lost
And lovers still in arms await me
For never did eyes and tears go in leave
But ask only the highest peaks by name
To meet there amongst creation at god's table
Lay down occasion and or else be lost
Be lost like names from past on stoney fields.


25 OCT 2022 AT 20:57

I was once a box

I know it may sound strange to read that I was once a box
Not Metal, wood but cardboard
No handle, hinge or lock
Just items thrown into the box
Tinged with hate and tears
How fickle our relationship
That with one box its cleared
That little box of torment
Sent daggers to my heart
Why must we continue hurting
Even when we're apart
That cardboard box of memories
That paper box of pain
Stamps a boot print when you're down
Then kick you with the blame
The box caught all my tears
That fell like heavy rain
For i haven't always been a box
Or a monster, that you claim.
I was once a lover
That Never trusted love
Never wanted anything
any more than we discussed
But like this box I have a heart
Have emotion, and a will
That I will never be a box again
Until my heart falls still


22 OCT 2022 AT 20:29

You will realise how special you are and you are more than enough when you stop comparing and stop using an imaginary tape measure.
It's all made up. Made up by you and social media!
It's more about emotional health than physical appearance.
The wise become wiser around people who think the same.


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